Blogs and Ends: Question from my Readers

Bonesaw asks: Out of interest – is there any sci fi that’s worth watching at the moment? No. … … … … … I thought about just leaving that as my answer and given the events of the last 24 hours I’m not sure anybody is going to be reading a popculture blog today anyway. But I should give you more of an answer than that. Currently, there is NO decent science fiction being produced in America.  Given the state of Hollywood and their SJW checklists and diversity casting...


The Nightmare World of Chinballs

Pictured: Not Chris Chibnall... But might as well be. If you google the name, Chris Chibnall, the second “people also ask” is, “Why is Doctor Who so bad now?”  Think about that.  Put yourself in his shoes.   You are famous enough that people want to google your name and the second most common question they ask about you is, “Why are you such fuck up?  It is often said, the key to the answer is to ask the right question.  Maybe, “Why is Doctor Who so...


The Lords of Chaos Triumphant

The time of the Kali Yuga has descended upon the DCEU. In case you are wondering, what the hell does that mean? “In the DC Comics canon, the Lords of Chaos are higher beings of great mystical power that represent chaos and acted as the avatars of the concept of change during the Ninth Age of Magic. Empowering followers with their magics, they fight the Lords of Order as their ultimate goal is to bring about the "Kali Yuga", a term use to describe a period where...


Jodie Whittaker Listened to Her Agent

Jodie Whittaker has quit Doctor Who. This next season appears to be it for her. Just to be clear the BBC is officially "not commenting" on her departure. But all of the London tabloids are saying Jodie is out. No idea who they are replacing her with. Or to be exact "what" they are replacing her with. King-Gamma Chibnall is still in charge of the show and since his reaction to any stimulus is, as mindlessly as an amoeba,...


Blogs and Ends: The Disney Deathcart (Our 100th Post!)

Any organization that does not have anti-Leftism explicitly built into it, will be taken over by Lefitists.  When Walt Disney fired half of his company in 1947 you’d think Communists would have taken the polite hint.  But staying away from places they aren’t wanted could not be more contradictory to their nature.  And Leftists are drawn to the entertainment industry like moths to a lighthouse.   If you are completely corrupted by the sin of pride, there is no better place to indulge your vice...


Image Comics Founder Suspended From Twitter For Violent Threats

Usually in the context of Twitter we're talking about people getting suspended for saying obvious truths like "there are two genders," but every now and again, some of the comic professionals go full-tilt hateful to where even Twitter can't let it slide: Erik Larsen, founder of Image Comics, posted to his Instagram that Twitter suspended him for making violent threats against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Larsen has a very long history of making excessively angry and perhaps dangerous tweets...


The Superheroic Virtues: Prudence

It’s a cool point of view to be like “My heroes are still innocent. My heroes didn’t fucking lie to America. My heroes didn’t embezzle money from their corporations. My heroes didn’t commit atrocities.” That’s cool. But you’re living in a fucking dream world. -Zach Snyder This is the most sophomoric, “only I have beheld the true light” bullshit I’ve ever heard in my life. -The Dark Herald I have no idea why there is such pants wetting excitement going on over...


DC’s Red Christmas

Round Three of the executions came down at DC right before Christmas.   And DC wasn’t polite enough to tell the condemned they were being sent to the wall.  These artists and writers found out by looking at the (slashed to the bone) solicitations list that DC sent out. And discovering, to their horror, that the projects they are working on were NOT being offered for sale.  Most businesses don’t like to drag a condemned man into a new tax year, but you usually...


The Dark Herald Does Not Recommend Wonder Woman 1984

It’s finally here!   All the suckage you were expecting from the first Wonder Woman movie has finally arrived! This was a very difficult film for me to review.  Because I kept falling asleep. I can give it this much.  It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.  I thought it was going to be a Woke fest of ungodly proportions and while the mental illness is present, it isn’t all-consuming.  What this movie also isn’t, is entertaining. I do understand that when it comes to film production, past...


DC Comics SLASHING Its Titles

Imagine you're a DC Comics creator. You have a contract for your book, you're enjoying your Christmas, and then March 2021 solicitations for books comes out. Your book isn't on there. It must be some mistake. No one told you your job was about to end, that DC is cutting its line by nearly half with only 39 items on the list compared to 62 books a year ago. You find out you've lost your job because it's on the internet. This...