Monthly Archives - July 2022

The Death of Substack Comics

Nick Spencer apparently is no longer in charge at Substack Comics. He was the guy in charge of the machine that was built around throwing high-speed comics shit at the wall and hoping it would stick.  He is now back to being just a writer. From Bleeding Cool, so don’t click on it. //// “The Year One Substack Comics Pro deals are coming to an end, as was originally planned and the Substack Pro deals will switch from those large six-figure advance payments...


DC Film News

Yes, I had better things to do than report on DC films.  But it is comic book news so here I is. FIRST  Batfleck lives!  This time it isn’t a rumor.  Ben Affleck is back in black for Aquaman 2.   Because they don’t want to show Keaton yet.  This does mean that Affleck signed a new contract.  There is no way he would have come back for a one-and-done cameo.   It also means reshoots are finally underway.  So, one way or another the Amber Heard matter has been settled.  My...


What Is Going On With Hulu?

There is a lot fist shaking going on about Hulu rejected a political ad for the Democrats but then turning around and accepted “some” political ads. Most of the yelling was about how Chapek was backpedaling again, like he did on the Florida Anti-Groomer law. A lot of people were asking how long will Disney keep doing this? Wrong question. The question I had was, why is this happening now?  This is July.  Political ads won’t start in any serious way until after Labor Day.  That is when $8...


The Dark Herald Recommends The Law

 This one took me by surprise.  At first, I just assumed that it was something from an anthology that Butcher’s publisher decided to run up on Amazon as a one off, but I called it wrong.  This 99 page novella is Butcher finally dipping his toes in Indy waters. **Spoiler Alert** This story takes place after Battleground and references it heavily.  So, if you are planning to read it and haven’t yet, bail now. **Spoiler Alert** The Law opens a month after the Battle of Chicago, which...


Star Wars News – It All Sucks But Here It Is

I’m getting this one out of the way fast. FIRST Obi-Wan is now canonically bisexually asexual.   Why? Because his latest book is being written by Young Adult female author.  These days that all but guarantees a plot-line that consists of girls who like boys… Who like boys.   Girls of Blue state America, you should really look into the love lives of Judy Garland and Liza Minelli.  This will not work out for you. NEXT The Acolyte is officially green lit.   Yeah, it’s been green lit for a while, but resources...


1960s Creepy Comedy Reboots

The post WWII pop culture is mostly notable for its staid conformity with the occasional anti-Communist diatribe thrown in on the side.  But aside from Ozzie and Harriet plus sporadic Commie bashing, there was also some distinctly macabre humor going around. I strongly suspect that this eerie comedy was the result of the PTSD riddled psyche of the Greatest Generation blowing off a little steam.  There is precedent for it. European art during the Black Death frequently featured dancing skeletons. The children of...


RIP David Warner

1941-2022 Legendary screen villain David Warner has taken his final bow at the age of 80. For those of you who are asking who is "David Warner?" I'll show you: Time After Time Tron Time Bandits Cast A Deadly Spell The Star Trek we don't talk about. Star Trek: The Less Embarrassing Sequel Star Trek could not get enough of this guy SOS Titanic A better known Titanic Hogfather: He did a better job with Lord Downey than Pratchett himself. This doesn't even begin to cover his voice work. He has...


Comicon Announcements

This makes me so tired. Here’s a shock, there weren’t any that I cared about in the least. MARVEL: Marvel Phase V was announced and clearly, Feige sees no reason at all to make a course correction.  Or possibly he did and discovered the rudder has rusted into place. Regardless, Marvel is staying on the Woke Wagon. They can’t change how they do business at Marvel Studios.  They just can’t. Truth be told if they just adjust their budget downward they can still keep making pablum...


Who The Hell Is This Even For?

And I thought I wouldn't be interested in anything announced at Comicon this year. I am reasonably, if not absolutely certain that gemstones can't be embarrassed but these have reason to be. Marvel is going to be selling a $25 MILLION collection of six gems called the Infinity Stones Collection. It's too stupid to be real, yet it is. The Time Stone is a Colombian emerald is rare and brilliant in color. Untouched by human hands, straight from birth to be faceted for brilliance,...


The X-Men Are No More

Well, I knew it was coming. The golden X-Men brand is being retired by Marvel Studios.   San Diego Comicon is underway.  Not that it has anything to do with comic books these days.   Comicon is all about the movies and TV shows now.  It’s where people “get excited for next product.”  In truth, it is why those people go there now. A new X-Men project was announced but of course, it’s 2022 and the very idea of a show with the word “Men” in the title is...