Monthly Archives - May 2022

Obi-Wan Kenobi Is the New Batwoman LucasFilm sent out this tweet at 1:00 am this morning.   Well done LucasFilm, you just blew the loudest dog whistle you could find telling everyone on Earth that you know Obi-Wan Kenobi is bad. That is what tweets like this are now.  Nothing short of a public announcement that this show is just as bad as Batwoman.  You don’t see Top Gun, Ghostbusters Afterlife or Stranger Things season 4* sending out announcements like this.  That is because they know their show is good enough to...


RE:View Young Sherlock Holmes

When my wife looked over my piece on Enola Holmes there was something at the end that caught her attention: “But if they (the writers) had let her first love die… If they had allowed Enola to fail. I would have had to have given it a higher rating.  It would have made this a much better film. It would have made Enola, alone. This would also have given her character a catalyst moving forward.  She had failed once and massively when it really counted...


Book Discussion – Servants of War by Larry Correia and Steve Diamond

I don’t have the greatest track record with collaborations.  Neither reading nor especially writing.  My one attempt at a collaborative work ended in anger, recriminations, an incomprehensible manuscript and writer’s block.   Never. Freaking. Again. My luck with reading them has been better, (it would be hard-pressed to be worse). But I have rarely found a collaboration that is better than the individual author’s work.  That is not to say that I haven’t found them over the years.  Niven and Pournelle's collaborations were mostly better than their individual...


Obi-Wan Kenobi: First Impressions

Let’s get something straight from the start.  Leia was the special one. In case you are wondering what the Disney feminist bait and switch is this time that’s it.  She was always the super extra special one.  Luke meant nothing.  He didn’t deserve any of the accolades he received because Leia should have had them. Anyway, the first five minutes were good. We get a quick scene where we see Younglings being trained, just as Order 66 kicks off.  Then we cut to the Inquisitors arriving...


Yeah, It’s Gonna Suck – Thor: Love and Thunder

The final trailer for Thor: Simp and Blunder dropped. Here it is. Look at it. LOOK AT IT!!! That. Was. Awful. Thor 4 is what happens if you put a Gamma Male in charge of a barbarian hero.  Kevin Feige’s resentment of the blonde, muscular, popular guy has been on display since Iger stupidly fired Ike Perlmutter and put Kevin Feige in charge of all things Marvel. In Thor, Feige has found the perfect whipping boy for his high school bully frustrations.  Ever since Endgame, Thor has become...


The Dark Herald Recommends Last Knights

This is from Slant Magazine. I’m only posting the link so you can laugh at the writer’s breathtaking ignorance, unearned arrogance, and hilarious stupidity. “Last Knights is another macho celebration of honor and self-sacrifice, of fighting for “freedom” because someone else told you to, that’s devoid of any acknowledgement(sp) of the inherent irony of that ideology. This film’s neurotic code of conduct is best encapsulated by a character who insists that “the wounds of honor are self-inflicted.” When Bartok (Morgan Freeman), a...


Heroic Archetypes Posts

This is a link library to my series on comic book heroic archetypes. It will have to do until I get something better up and running. The Sons of Silenus – The Sidekick Heroes The Sons of Theseus – The Detective Heroes The Sons of Jason – The Explorer Heroes The Sons of Apollo – The Aspirational Heroes The Sons of Mercury – The Trickster Heroes The Sons of Hercules - The Barbarian Heroes


Doctor Strange 2 Will Not Break One Billion Dollars

I had predicted that Strange 2 would likely top out between $850 - $950 million. I no longer believe that it will even meet my low-end estimate. Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness fell off a cliff in its third weekend. It pulled in $30 million this weekend. It has now cracked (just barely) the $800 million mark. As its breakeven point was a ludicrous $750 million, it has officially made a profit...probably. But...


The Pedomouse Summer Collection For Children

You think Disney learned its lesson? You’re adorable! Pedomouse is going to use his sweaty, hyper-obese weight to spread the gospel of corruption to every child on the planet.  During the month of June. The month named for the Roman goddess of motherhood and family, (how cute). Disney will proudly be selling its LGBTQ rainbow Disney Pride Collection of clothing in all of its Parks and of course online. This savagely overpriced rainbow-themed groomer-friendly clothing is designed for children and fucking INFANTS!!! Don’t...


Humpday Trailer Dump – The Death by Snu-Snu Edition

FIRST SHE HULK WANT SNU-SNU!!! It’s Hulkey McBeal carrying off the guy that takes the stupidity to the next level.   And when the hell did straight black men become the white men of black men? At least they are being honest about what you will be getting. The writers for this POS are some of the worst Wokites at Disney. NEXT Hey, Alex Kurtzman finally got Star Trek right! Oops.  Sorry.  My mistake. NEXT Screw Hollywood.  Does anybody have something worth watching? Well yes. Lets take a look at RRR. Ignore the...