Monthly Archives - January 2022

The Dark Herald Barely Recommends – Foundation

This show is a borderline case.  There are elements that make it compelling from time to time but when all of these elements are taken together as a whole, it left me feeling empty.  This is not a feel-good show.  That would be okay if it was actually a good show and half of it isn’t. My rule of thumb for my Does Not Recommend rating is that there be no reason at all to watch it.  And there is reason to watch this show...


Friday Night Open Thread

UPDATE: No, it isn't real. Although given how stupid the fashions were in the 1970s it's understandable. You know the rules. Don't break them. ********************* Something for Markku ************************************ Tom Holland is to be the new Ironman. Sort of. What I mean by that is he (according to some very reliable sources) is about to become the new face of the MCU.  A job that Kevin Feige had sworn to himself was going to belong to Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel.  Mostly because he had convinced himself that after the...


Just Cancel It – Woke Snow White

Disney is trying to rip itself off again. The very first full-length animated movie in the world was Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Walt Disney quite literally bet the house on this picture. If it had failed or even underperformed, he would have been completely ruined. But he won big and went on to found a company that he would want his name stripped off of if he could see it today. I suppose leaving this...


Humpday Dump – The We Now Know Where Boba’s Budget Went Edition

I just enjoyed an Episode of Boba Fett?!?!? What the hell? How did that happen? Easily as it turned out. Step 1, make sure Boba Fett is NOT in his own show. At all. Not even a little bit. Step 2, make sure the Mandalorian is. Step 3, drain the effects budget from the rest of the series and pump it all into, what is basically, an HOUR-long episode of the Mandalorian. This is probably the best episode...



Never use a written language you don't read. Truth be told, I've seen the shoe on the other foot plenty of times. Guys who got Kanji tattoos because they thought it looked cool asked the Okinawan tattoo artist to write something that sounded "badass." Then later found out the symbols meant "rotting fart," which when you think about it does qualify as "badass." Although the most popular was "illiterate Gaijin."


Yeah, It’s Gonna Suck – Amazon’s Lord of the Rings

Gary Boechler at Nerdrotic put this surprisingly detailed report together on Amazon's upcoming Woke disaster. There were a few hot takes that I didn't know about. First, the Tolkien Estate did not do this willingly. They got hurt in arbitration with Warner Brothers and part of the settlement is that they had to allow a Lord of the Rings TV series. Although, the estate did get to maintain a right of absolute veto over everything. And when Amazon was...


Friday Night Open Thread

Post what you like so long as it is pop culture-related. All others will be deleted. ****************************** Legendary Films has had enough of Warner Brothers BS. The new Godzilla series is NOT going to be streamed on HBOmax. It is going to be Apple TV+. Considering how badly Warner wanted this for HBOmax it is a fairly gigantic middle finger to the house that Bugs built. The sad truth of Warner Brothers is that if it weren't for Paramount, they would...


M&Ms Go Woke

Woke candy. It has come to this. Normally, I wouldn't bother to cover something like this here but the M&Ms mascots are a legitimate part of pop culture and thus falls within my purview. Candy is about to get more "inclusive," with the maker of M&M's announcing its famed characters are getting modern makeovers and will have more "nuanced personalities." The green M&M, previously seen in ads posing seductively and strutting her stuff in white go-go boots, will now sport a...


Daniel Cherry Hits the Silk

Apparently, it's mission accomplished for DC Comics brand manager Daniel Cherry III. He is outta here!! The big boss of DC Comics is moving on to other things, walking away from the smoldering wreckage of the brand he flew into the ground at full speed, in his wake. His tenure will be remembered as being unique in comics history. There will be endless debates over who was the best publisher in comics history. But there will be no such discussion...


Blizzard is Dead – Microsoft to Acquire Activision

That’s it for Blizzard.  Microsoft is buying out Activision/Blizzard for damn near $70 billion.  This isn’t that much of a surprise.  Blizzard is in such bad shape that a buyout was the only way out. (don’t click on the link, it’s from The Verge.) Microsoft is acquiring Activision, the troubled publisher of Call of Duty, World of Warcraft, and Diablo. The deal will value Activision at $68.7 billion, far in excess of the $26 billion Microsoft paid to acquire LinkedIn in 2016. It’s Microsoft’s biggest push into...