
Jude Law as Kyle Katarn?

(Please note the question mark at the end of the title.) Star Wars Skeleton Crew is being poorly received at LucasFilm. The only reason we know that is because this leak is from Shill of Shills John Rocha so it's about as unofficially official as it gets. He would never let something like this out in the wild without permission. That collegium of dramatic brilliance and taste known as LucasFilm hates this show enough to order that groveling fat-ass Woke-as-fuck-no-matter-what...


GaimanGate: The Authorial Edition

One of the worst movies I ever saw when I was a kid was a slimy, worm-ridden English horror film called Witchfinder General.  I absolutely hated everything about it, it made me feel hollow and cold inside.  It also made me angry for reasons I was too young to understand.  I’d seen it at night and was left feeling oily the next day.  Witchfinder General is the kind of movie that Gamma Males seem to be attracted to because it...


Disney’s Motion to Dismiss the Gina Carano Lawsuit Has Been…

DENIED!!! Unless she settles, this case goes to discovery. Now, I've got to clean the drool off my keyboard. From That Park Place: "In court documents obtained by That Park Place, U.S. District Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnett has denied the request by the Walt Disney Company to dismiss Gina Carano’s lawsuit. with Gina Carano and her lawyers against The Walt Disney Company and Lucasfilm’s attempt to dismiss her case. According to Judge Garnett “[Disney, Lucasfilm, and Huckleberry] have failed to set forth an “impenetrable...


Ubisoft Grovels

You know you done screwed up when you have to apologize to an entire country.   Ubisoft has issued a non-apology apology to the nation of Japan for a game they have in late development. Not a group, not a subset of otaku, not an ethnic minority.  They got on their knees before all of the sons and daughters of Nippon.  And then tried to avoid apologizing while having to grovel. My comments are italicized.  To our esteemed Japanese community---a message from the...


The Dark Herald Recommends: Scavenger’s Reign

I’m definitely torn on this one.  Scavenger’s Reign is an animated series that was absolutely nowhere on my radar. Not even a blip.  I blundered across a TikTok of it while I was looking for something else and decided I needed to check it out. Scavenger’s Reign is a product of the Covid Lockdown.  Warner Brothers was well past the point of total commitment on HBOmax when the plague washed over the world like Noah’s Flood. The company needed new series content...


Trouble On the Disney Board of Directors?

This is an interesting development. Safra Catz has resigned from the Disney Board of Directors.  She’s been there for only six years and that’s nowhere near mandatory retirement for a board member.  I suppose I should post Disney’s boilerplate statement: “Disney CEO Bob Iger said in a statement, “Throughout her tenure on Disney’s board of directors, Safra has provided invaluable insight that has helped shape the company’s long-term strategic planning amid a rapidly changing technological landscape that affects our businesses. Her...


Is Gatwa Out?

Is Gatwa Out? the Doctor, I mean There was an interesting little article from That Park Place: "A new report claims that The Walt Disney Company is seriously contemplating exiting its business relationship with the BBC and Bad Wolf Studios and leaving Doctor Who following the most recent season that posted the worst viewership numbers in the show’s entire history." "...a source close to the Doctor Who production informed him that Disney will “need to make a decision” on whether it...


14,000 Members of Disneyland’s Castmember Union Have Voted to Strike

99% of the four unions that represent Disneyland California workers have voted to authorize a strike. From The Vulture: "On Friday, the Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee, which comprises four different unions representing 14,000 Disneyland park employees, released a statement declaring that 99% of their members have authorized a strike, meaning they would not show up to work at the parks if implimented. While that doesn’t mean a strike has been scheduled, it does mean that the union can implement a strike as...


The Dark Herald Does Not Recommend: The Acolyte (Part III)

(This is absolutely the last one, I… I have to move on) Story. “A story succeeds for fails in the style of its telling.” You’ve heard me say that a thousand times.  Less frequently, but just as important I often ask, “Knowing how the story ends, would you want to read it again?” No one wants to hear this story again. This story fails so drastically that I truly hope it gets sent to the Iron Vault of Tax Write-Offs.   Supposedly, this cost...


The Dark Herald Does Not Recommend: The Acolyte (Part II)

(I really hadn't planned to make this a three-parter but I had to stop and put together a valedictory for Bob Newhart. The third part should probably be up tomorrow at the usual time.) The Star Wars Lore fifty-car-pile-up. Why make a prequel?   There’s rarely a good reason for it. There are exceptions of course.  The Silmarillion was a prequel that laid out just how vast the mythology of Middle Earth really was.  It worked for the Godfather Part II where you...


RIP Bob Newhart We were totally scammed and we loved it! It was easily the greatest ending to a television comedy in history. I never even heard the lines I was laughing so hard. It was without question a "you had to be there to understand" moment. There had been all kinds of rumors going around about how Newhart would end. Mostly they'd promised something really intolerable. That Bob, who had been a fixture in our lives throughout the 1980s was going to be...


The Dark Herald Does Not Recommend: The Acolyte (Part I)

(I have to break this into two parts, I can’t examine this much bad in only 1500 words) This is the LucasFilm project where the last of the superfans, The Star Wars Advocates finally walked away. The opposite of love is not hatred, it’s indifference.  After this, they don’t care anymore. It’s not just that this show took Star Wars canon, rolled it up in a carpet, threw it in a dumpster, poured gasoline on it, and set it on...


2015: Disney’s Watershed Year

2015 was the year that Bob Iger made the decisions that set Disney on a course to oblivion. It was the year he made the choices that changed it irrecoverably from Walt Disney's company to Bob Iger's. Several factors converged that year that would turn Disney into the trainwreck it is today. A lot of people blame Covid but truthfully that just accelerated a process that was already in motion. These factors in no particular order were; the...


The Sons of Theseus – The Detective Heroes

It’s ironic that Batman’s boyhood hero was Zorro.   The Mark of Zorro was the movie that little Bruce Wayne had talked his parents into taking him to the night of their murder.  The irony is that Zorro is an Outlaw hero whereas Batman is every inch a Detective hero. The Detective hero is an American invention.  During his time editing various magazines, Edgar Allan Poe would publish logic puzzles that were extremely popular with his readers.  This appears to have led Poe to the creation...


Goodbye Shannen

Shannen Doherty has lost her fight with breast cancer.  Given the events of the weekend, it’s all too easy to overlook the passing of one of the great genre actresses of Generation X and that would be a shame. Doherty started out as a child actress in the early 1980s.  Her first appearance was in the Chariots of the Gods futureman hippie babble show, The Phoenix, where she played “Little Girl.” Her next three parts were in varied genre projects The...


The Acolyte is Officially in Trouble

Shill to the stars Grace Randolph, the most reliably pro-LucasFilm shill channel with almost but not quite a million subs, has suddenly done an about face and absolutely dragged the latest episode of the Acolyte across broken concrete. She could not dredge up enough bile and vitriol. It went from absolutely amazing to a blitheringly incompetent steaming pile of Star Wars. The Neilson's are out now so there is no hiding this disaster any longer. There is no way in...


Jon Del Arroz Is the Only One Left Still Covering the Neil Gaiman BDSM Scandal

UPDATE: **** The suppression algorithms have been fired up. Open up a private browsing window and type in Neil Gainman on YouTube. Take a look at the results, you can see for yourself whats happening. Neil was a pioneer in Wokism, he was writing about mentally ill defectives long before they became a protected class. He is revered by the high lords of Clown World for his trailblazing. Gaiman is into the amazingly disgusting stuff. I mean we're talking the Marquis De...


What is Marvel Doing to Captain America this Week?

REPOST: 7/11/24 There is zero interest in Falcon America Brave New World. But it does look like Disney/Marvel thinks they have something that won't look like a total joke if they put it in theaters. Since the Marvel brain trust was fired and replaced with DEI quotas there is very little hope for it. Feige has absolutely not gone back to formula that made Marvel a boxoffice juggernaut. He's hoping that a vaguely anti-Trump Woke-lite plot will put him back on...


Shelly Duvall RIP

Noted genre actress Shelly Duvall has passed today at the age of seventy five due to complications resulting from diabetes.  One of acting’s little secrets is that it is mostly genetics more than anything else.  What bag of tricks did fate leave in your cradle as an infant? Was it the emotional vampirism so necessary in driving a practitioner of the craft forward? Was it the ability to lift one eyebrow? Was it that indefinable quality called, ‘the magic’? Was it...


Disney Deathwatch (7/10/24)

The Acolyte There’s a number of things I’d rather do than get caught up on The Acolyte but given the interest around it I have little choice.  It has managed the impressive feat of stirring up the kind of hatred that hasn’t surrounded a Star Wars project since The Last Jedi. While The Rise of Skywalker was certainly hated that was mostly because of its utter cinematic incompetence. As bad as it was, it was an attempt at course correction.   The Last...


The Skydance/Paramount Merger is Back On

#TheDarkHeraldWasRight  As I said, “Redstone is hot to sell and Skydance is hot to buy, so this is now just negotiating.” The walking away from the table was just another negotiating ploy.  Turns out that Shari Redstone was trying to get to the price she wanted, and she appears to have gotten there. Skydance and Paramount have agreed to a merger.   Shari Redstone’s worthless stock will now be turned into something valuable. Namely 8 billion bucks.   At the time of their...


Kotaku Australia Has Folded

My heart!  Oh, my poor wounded heart!  Kotaku Down Under is no more! Won’t someone please think of the children? If I was a better person, I’d be trying to come up with some kind of emotion tangential to empathy. After all, Kotaku wasn’t always this steaming, radioactive pile.  When it first launched this was its mascot, which tells you just about everything it used to be.  Brian Crecente was brought in a month after Kotaku launched in 2006 and turned it...


The Star Wars Holiday Special Wasn’t That Bad

At least not by 1970s TV standards. Here is the first appearance of the Justice League on TV. It was in 1979, Wonder Woman was still in production and Lynda Carter wasn't in this. Lynda Carter felt she was too good to appear in this thing. There is no part II. The guy doing this video gave up. Discuss on Social Galactic


What the Sandman Dreams Of

WARNING THE FOLLOWING IS GRAPHIC I really didn’t want to write this article but it’s clear that the media has been given orders to protect Neil Gaiman. It’s been so long since I first picked up a Sandman comic book that I honestly don’t remember which story I came in on.  Preludes and Nocturnes had wrapped, which I remember because I had to buy the graphic novel. In my youth, I tended to think too highly of artists. I honestly, believed that...


RE:View Time Bandits

"Removing his helmet reveals himself to be none other than Sean Connery or an actor of equal but cheaper stature."   This joke, made on a golf course is more or less how got Time Bandits got greenlit.  The Joke was made to Sean Connery himself, and he liked it.  It was the start of trend for him during the eighties.  Highlander, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves and a few others.  Time Bandits is the most inexplicable kids’ film of all time. Possibly...


Appendix N: A Martian Odyssey by Stanley G. Weinbaum

The year was 1989. Young Idiot College Student Herald was nosing through The Merchant of Venus when he came upon a shrink-wrapped paperback that was at least twenty years old judging from the acid rock cover art. The title was The Best of Stanley G. Weinbaum.  I snatched it off the shelf greedily. I had to sacrifice that week's Prizzao fund to buy it. No regrets it's still sitting on my library shelf. In that day and age, luck was...


Tiana’s Tunnel of Terror

"WE ARE SORRY BUT WE ARE UNABLE TO CONTINUE OUR ADVENTURE ON TIANA'S..." Tiana’s Biayu Adventure is now officially a black eye for Disney.  The beloved Splash Mountain has been reimagined into a ride that is, to put it mildly, “troubled.”   It’s breaking down constantly.  Emergency evacuations are now a daily occurrence, the animatronics, what few there are, simply do not work reliably. Now the screens are failing. What has gone wrong? Honestly, the reason is pretty simple.  The DEI Imagineers have no idea...


The Gods of the Copybook Headings

AS I PASS through my incarnations in every age and race,I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all. We were living in trees when they met us. They showed us each in turnThat Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision and Breadth of Mind,So we left them...