Extra! Extra! Disney’s Lawsuit Shotdown in Federal Court

From That Park Place "United States District Judge Allen Winsor dismissed The Walt Disney Company’s lawsuit against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the State of Florida... In a 17-page document granting the motion to dismiss, Judge Allen Winsor wrote, “The clerk will enter a judgment that says, ‘This case was resolved on motions to dismiss. Plaintiff’s claims against the Governor and the Department Secretary are dismissed without prejudice for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. Plaintiff’s claims against the Central...


Larry Fink Comes for Geralt of Rivea

The Witcher is dead It’s all over but for the crying.   I knew it the moment that CD Projekt Red CFO, Piotr Nielubowicz used the word “stakeholder.” In the past, this term meant nothing more than another common word that described the owners or stockholders (which is another way of saying owner) of businesses and corporations.  However the unholy trinity of Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street have given “Stakeholder” a new meaning. Stakeholders are now employees that terrorize their companies into complete...


Universal Officially Announces They Will be Eating Disney’s Lunch

This is what Universal is buying with the billions that Bob Iger will be paying them for Hulu, (which he is incidentally shutting down and rolling into Disney+. That's some 4D chess Bob). I realize there are a few pixie dusters out there that have been trained by Mickey the Great and Terrible to snort, "they can announce what they like. It's what gets built that counts." Sorry guys you're going to have to just take a hit of that Special Magic because...


Rangz Season 2 is Really Looking Promising

They've gone into reshoots, when it was already in the can.  Apparently, Amazon did audience testing this time. The first season showrunners have been fired without being "fired," they are now Consulting Producers. This has all the hallmarks of a Disney Marvel production. The difference being Amazon can afford to throw away hundreds of millions on a project no one will like. I understand where it's coming from. These people are simply incapable of admitting an error due to the size of the error. If they...


Book Discussion: Monster Hunter Fever

It’s no secret I’m a long-time fan of Larry Correia, if there is anything of his I haven’t read it’s probably a short story in an obscure collection. In all honesty, I am much less familiar with Jason Cordova.  I know that he was able to get his first book published by trad-pub on the very first submission, indicating either a high amount of native literary talent or an absurd amount of luck. In either case I can’t judge what...


The Death of Disney Animation (Part 4)

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these but I felt it was time. We have finally reached the end of the story.  Disney Animation is indeed and truly dead.  I don’t see how it can come back from the thing that killed it. In the first three parts of this series, I took a look at Disney Animations’ beginnings, its rise to lead the world of animation in the fifties, and the fundamental compromises that computer animation inflicted on...


Trailer Drop Thursday on Wednesday

Tonight's post was supposed to be the fourth part of my three-part series on The Death of Disney Animation. But it's a little underbaked. So tonight I'm getting caught up on trailers. First up Avatar: The Last Airbender. This fantastic little faux-anime series from Nichealodean was all the rage... Oh my Glob, twenty years ago. This franchise had what would be the biggest glow down in history if wasn't for Disney Everything. The first live-action film was from god's perfect one-trick pony M. Night Shalaman. Featured...


RE:View – Rome (part I)

Almost twenty years ago HBO swung for the fences and knocked it out of the park with not one but the two best series in the history of that network.  And surprisingly, they were both period pieces. Deadwood I’ll look at another time… Maybe.  Today, we’re talking about Rome. In his book Timeline, Michael Crichton predicted that the biggest selling point in the 21st Century would be authenticity.  Time has proven Doctor Crichton right. Rome attempted to deliver that authenticity to the extent...


Top 7 Earth Trek Shows of the Seventies

Somewhere in the 1970s… Old-Timey TV Exec:  This sci-fi crap is going to be huge I tells ya, HUGE!  This new generation of retards born after 1965 can’t get enough of it.  Look how many times they’ve watched the same damn movie.  All we gotta do is show these little monkeys the banana and we will be on top Mount Ratings!  What do you got kid?  I’ll greenlight anything! 1970s TV Producer:  Boss, do you remember how you reacted when I told you about Battlestar Galactica’s budget? Old-Timey TV Exec:  YOU...


Alec Baldwin Indicted for Manslaughter

Alec must be pissed he thought this was all taken care of. "A grand jury in New Mexico indicted Alec Baldwin on Friday on a charge of involuntary manslaughter, reviving the criminal case against him in the fatal shooting of a cinematographer on the set of the film “Rust” more than two years ago when a gun he was rehearsing with went off." I'm curious what changed behind the scenes. Back in April of this year, this happened: Santa Fe District Attorney