
Jude Law as Kyle Katarn?

(Please note the question mark at the end of the title.) Star Wars Skeleton Crew is being poorly received at LucasFilm. The only reason we know that is because this leak is from Shill of Shills John Rocha so it's about as unofficially official as it gets. He would never let something like this out in the wild without permission. That collegium of dramatic brilliance and taste known as LucasFilm hates this show enough to order that groveling fat-ass Woke-as-fuck-no-matter-what...


GaimanGate: The Authorial Edition

One of the worst movies I ever saw when I was a kid was a slimy, worm-ridden English horror film called Witchfinder General.  I absolutely hated everything about it, it made me feel hollow and cold inside.  It also made me angry for reasons I was too young to understand.  I’d seen it at night and was left feeling oily the next day.  Witchfinder General is the kind of movie that Gamma Males seem to be attracted to because it...


Disney’s Motion to Dismiss the Gina Carano Lawsuit Has Been…

DENIED!!! Unless she settles, this case goes to discovery. Now, I've got to clean the drool off my keyboard. From That Park Place: "In court documents obtained by That Park Place, U.S. District Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnett has denied the request by the Walt Disney Company to dismiss Gina Carano’s lawsuit. with Gina Carano and her lawyers against The Walt Disney Company and Lucasfilm’s attempt to dismiss her case. According to Judge Garnett “[Disney, Lucasfilm, and Huckleberry] have failed to set forth an “impenetrable...


Ubisoft Grovels

You know you done screwed up when you have to apologize to an entire country.   Ubisoft has issued a non-apology apology to the nation of Japan for a game they have in late development. Not a group, not a subset of otaku, not an ethnic minority.  They got on their knees before all of the sons and daughters of Nippon.  And then tried to avoid apologizing while having to grovel. My comments are italicized.  To our esteemed Japanese community---a message from the...


The Dark Herald Recommends: Scavenger’s Reign

I’m definitely torn on this one.  Scavenger’s Reign is an animated series that was absolutely nowhere on my radar. Not even a blip.  I blundered across a TikTok of it while I was looking for something else and decided I needed to check it out. Scavenger’s Reign is a product of the Covid Lockdown.  Warner Brothers was well past the point of total commitment on HBOmax when the plague washed over the world like Noah’s Flood. The company needed new series content...


Trouble On the Disney Board of Directors?

This is an interesting development. Safra Catz has resigned from the Disney Board of Directors.  She’s been there for only six years and that’s nowhere near mandatory retirement for a board member.  I suppose I should post Disney’s boilerplate statement: “Disney CEO Bob Iger said in a statement, “Throughout her tenure on Disney’s board of directors, Safra has provided invaluable insight that has helped shape the company’s long-term strategic planning amid a rapidly changing technological landscape that affects our businesses. Her...


Is Gatwa Out?

Is Gatwa Out? ...as the Doctor, I mean There was an interesting little article from That Park Place: "A new report claims that The Walt Disney Company is seriously contemplating exiting its business relationship with the BBC and Bad Wolf Studios and leaving Doctor Who following the most recent season that posted the worst viewership numbers in the show’s entire history." "...a source close to the Doctor Who production informed him that Disney will “need to make a decision” on whether it...


14,000 Members of Disneyland’s Castmember Union Have Voted to Strike

99% of the four unions that represent Disneyland California workers have voted to authorize a strike. From The Vulture: "On Friday, the Disney Workers Rising Bargaining Committee, which comprises four different unions representing 14,000 Disneyland park employees, released a statement declaring that 99% of their members have authorized a strike, meaning they would not show up to work at the parks if implimented. While that doesn’t mean a strike has been scheduled, it does mean that the union can implement a strike as...


The Dark Herald Does Not Recommend: The Acolyte (Part III)

(This is absolutely the last one, I… I have to move on) Story. “A story succeeds for fails in the style of its telling.” You’ve heard me say that a thousand times.  Less frequently, but just as important I often ask, “Knowing how the story ends, would you want to read it again?” No one wants to hear this story again. This story fails so drastically that I truly hope it gets sent to the Iron Vault of Tax Write-Offs.   Supposedly, this cost...


The Dark Herald Does Not Recommend: The Acolyte (Part II)

(I really hadn't planned to make this a three-parter but I had to stop and put together a valedictory for Bob Newhart. The third part should probably be up tomorrow at the usual time.) The Star Wars Lore fifty-car-pile-up. Why make a prequel?   There’s rarely a good reason for it. There are exceptions of course.  The Silmarillion was a prequel that laid out just how vast the mythology of Middle Earth really was.  It worked for the Godfather Part II where you...