Search Results - SJWs always

SJWs Always Double Down (audiobook+)

Whether you realize it or not, if you live in the West, you are currently engulfed in a civilization-wide cultural war that is taking place all around you. The cultural war is real and it is vicious. And unlike a traditional shooting war between different nations, in a cultural war there are no civilians. No one is permitted to sit it out or refuse to take sides; sooner or later, you are going to be forced to declare yourself by...


SJWs Always Lie (audiobook+)

Social Justice Warriors have plagued mankind for more than 150 years, but only in the last 30 years has their ideology become dominant in the West. Having invaded one institution of the cultural high ground after another, from corporations and churches to video games and government, there is nowhere that remains entirely free of their intolerant thought and speech policing. SJWs relentlessly work to prevent normal people from thinking or speaking in any manner that will violate their ever-mutating Narrative....


SJWs Always Lie

Social Justice Warriors have plagued mankind for more than 150 years, but only in the last 30 years has their ideology become dominant in the West. Having invaded one institution of the cultural high ground after another, from corporations and churches to video games and government, there is nowhere that remains entirely free of their intolerant thought and speech policing. SJWs relentlessly work to prevent normal people from thinking or speaking in any manner that will violate their ever-mutating Narrative....


SJWs Always Double Down

Whether you realize it or not, if you live in the West, you are currently engulfed in a civilization-wide cultural war that is taking place all around you. The cultural war is real and it is vicious. And unlike a traditional shooting war between different nations, in a cultural war there are no civilians. No one is permitted to sit it out or refuse to take sides; sooner or later, you are going to be forced to declare yourself by...


The New Doctor Who

Or may as well be. I thought Davies was going to go for a gay Pakistani myself but to each his own. Lydia West isn't confirmed but this is who the Wokeites want for Who. And in brutal honestly, they are the only people still watching it so if you're Russel Davies, a Lefty producer, to begin with, catering to the audience you have instead of the one you want is just good business sense. After all, you don't know if...


New Gods Film Canceled

The success of the Snyder Cut has come with an unexpected casualty. The cancelation of the New Gods movie for Warner Brothers.   They did put out a statement as to why but since it’s from Sarnoff and Hamada you know it has to be bullshit. The real reason New Gods got the axe was office politics.  Dark Sied, De Saad, and Granny Goodness were all prominently featured in Zach Snyder’s Justice League, as well the planet Apokolips itself. And Hamada and company have decreed...


The Nightmare World of Chinballs

Pictured: Not Chris Chibnall... But might as well be. If you google the name, Chris Chibnall, the second “people also ask” is, “Why is Doctor Who so bad now?”  Think about that.  Put yourself in his shoes.   You are famous enough that people want to google your name and the second most common question they ask about you is, “Why are you such fuck up?  It is often said, the key to the answer is to ask the right question.  Maybe, “Why is Doctor Who so...


Jodie Whittaker Listened to Her Agent

Jodie Whittaker has quit Doctor Who. This next season appears to be it for her. Just to be clear the BBC is officially "not commenting" on her departure. But all of the London tabloids are saying Jodie is out. No idea who they are replacing her with. Or to be exact "what" they are replacing her with. King-Gamma Chibnall is still in charge of the show and since his reaction to any stimulus is, as mindlessly as an amoeba,...


Sweet Baby Cyanide 

So why haven’t I said anything about Sweet Baby?  Because to me the problem has been so self-evident for so long that I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. Yes, I knew about it. I knew the cancer for what it was and how it spread.   I also knew that Sweet Baby Inc was not the only “narrative development studio that provides "sensitivity reviews and consultation.”  Lionbridge Games is still on the grift train, Sliverstring Media is the up-and-comer. And...


Arkhaven’s Jon Del Arroz BANNED on Kickstarter and Indiegogo

Arkhaven writer Jon Del Arroz's new parody comic has been banned on Kickstarter and (apparently) shadow-banned on Indiegogo. Why you may ask? Well, you may ask all you like but they sure as hell aren't going to tell you. During the lockdown, Kickstarter was so strapped for cash that it did the unthinkable and parted with people like Camilla Zhang. “Kickstarter actually reached out to the SJWs at DC Comics to help them gatekeep wrong think and boy did DC deliver in the...