
Marvel’s What If… Episode 4

What if Doctor Strange had terminal Oneitis? That was basically the plot for this episode. Again it was better than the first two episodes. Doctor Strange was astonishingly enough, still a white male. Or perhaps that wasn't too surprising since they were able to get Cumberbatch to voice him. In this What If, Strange didn't lose his hands in the accident, he lost Christine. Which apparently hit him a hell of a lot harder in toon world than...


Shang Chi Projected to Break Box Office Records

For a Labor Day release. That's the spin you understand. You see, a Labor Day release is always box office death. Nobody goes to the movies even when there isn't a plague in town because it's their last chance to soak up some summer before Fall arrives. Consequently, Shang Chi has a very low bar to step over and that is assuming it doesn't stumble. The conditions of this projected win are very conditional. "The most...


Oh No

Appalling news for you One Piece fans out there. There is going to be a live-action version of One Piece. On Netflix. How do I know it will be bad? (*long tired sigh*) It is being made by the same people who are making live-action Cowboy Bebop. And they are already talking about their bold reimagining. From the reliably awful and unlinked to CBR: “Romance Dawn” was an episode of the original One Piece anime that gave us a peek into what the series could have...


Yeah, Its Gonna Suck: Netflix Cowboy Bebop (part II)

It started with them trying to get the dog wrong.  That was our first warning. Next, came a picture of the crew of Bebop, and Faye Valentine was clearly dressed to discourage the male gaze, which is the total opposite of her character. The fans voiced their concern about this and the actress posted a snide and sneering video denigrating the fans of her show for not liking the new costume. There is a lot more going on here than just an...


Eastern Story Telling

Journey to the West I recently asked you, my beloved readers, if you would like me to do an essay on Eastern storytelling traditions as opposed to Western. The support for this was overwhelming.  Three of you said, yes.  Let’s begin. Hakawati, is the Arabic tradition of storytelling wherein each story must have… Beloved Readers: Uh, Cataline that wasn’t the story structure we were interested in. I’m getting there.  Don’t be a pest about it.  …and teach a moral lesson.  I suspect this tradition is more Middle-Eastern than specifically Arabian because the...


What If – What If… Didn’t Suck?

Astonishing concept I know, but it finally happened. It took three episodes to get one that was, I can't believe I'm saying this, good. The contrivance for this episode was, what if the Avengers were killed before they became the Avengers. And they actually ran with it. They recreated famous scenes from various movies and at end of the scene the Avenger in question was pushing up roses. ***SPOILERS*** FROM HERE ON OUT. When Black Widow gives Tony...


Cheap Thrills: The 8th Doctor

On my way back from the Mongolian Outlands, I was listening to a few things that I’d loaded onto my phone for the trip.  One of them turned out to be a hidden treasure.  Or at least it’s hidden to most Americans.  The British have known about this for a while. Back in 1996, Fox Network had the absolutely hideous idea of rebooting Doctor Who, which had been on hiatus for seven years at that point.  It was almost as bad as the Peter Cushing...


Okay, I’m Back

Only slightly worse for wear. Reader Chief_Tuscaloosa writes: "In the future, when Vox Day has bought the Superman franchise for $1, I look forward to issue AV (after Vox) #1: “Superman, The Illegal Alien with Super-powers: He Has To Go Back." Not worth the dollar.   Part of the reason DC is doing this, is so they can turn things over to Jon Kent because 11 years Clark Kent goes into the Public Domain. So they'd like to shoo him off stage.   I'm...


Is Kathleen Kennedy Getting her Contract Renewed?

Such a move would be fatal to what is left of the Star Wars fanbase.  She is the most reviled personality ever connected with the franchise to include freaking Jar-Jar.  Renew her contract and you may well as pander to the Reylos because you will have absolutely no one left.  Except, the Reylos have already dipped out, after ROS. Both the Mom & Pop and the institutional investors are clearly hostile to the idea. A number of Bob Chapek’s reforms would be reversed if...