The Dark Herald Recommends with Extreme Reservations: Britannia Season 1

I will shortly be streaming Britannia Season 2. I had originally given this show the Does Not Recommend rating. However since I’m going to be watching it, I felt I should bump up the rank I originally gave it, in order to justify my stupidity in continuing this act of self-abuse. REPOST Ghost of Iselene: The dead are singing your name, sister! This night, the dead are singing your name! Screaming Chick in the Picture: What is my name, sister? What is my name? The...


The Year Without a Summer

The cataclysmic eruption of Mount Tambora in 1816 caused a devasting climate shift resulting in widespread crop failure, starvation, and bread riots. It was called the Year Without a Summer. The theaters are having their own version of that next year. As I reported yesterday, Warner Media has announced that its entire production slate of films will be dropped on to HBOmax this year.  Denzel Washington’s The Little Things, Judas and the Black Messiah, Tom & Jerry, Godzilla vs Kon, Mortal Kombat, Those...


The Mysterious Mystery of Grogu’s Origin

Yeah, it's sooooper mysterious. We will never know where he came from. There were two and only two of his species on Coruscant at the time of his birth. A male and a female. If only someone had thought to ask one of them where Baby Yoda had come from. Look Filoni there is no point in being coy about this. It really isn't that hard for us to figure out.


It’s Never Going to be Firefly

The Mandalorian is never going to be anything better than an acceptable mediocrity. That is pretty obvious at this point. Episode one of the first season was promising.  The brief exchange between Mando and Grief Cargill over the form of his payment did more world building in five minutes than the entire last trilogy did in six and a half hours.   Sure, it was heavy on the fan service and light on character arcs but hell, that was just the first episode. Characters have...


Kathleen Kennedy Ain’t Leaving

Horrible, if true and it appears to be true. I had heard the rumors for a while, but I wanted something a bit more substantiative before reporting on it. And now there is. Kathleen Kennedy’s unwelcome time as the head of Lucasfilm appeared to be just about up.  She was rumored to have been given “the talk” by the Bobs Chapek and Iger. Under her leadership, the Star Wars brand had been on a very steady downward trajectory since the release of the Force...


Disney 18+??

Disney is bowing to certain market realities. No, not about Minnie.  Get your filthy mind out gutters. I’m talking about Black Widow.  Mickey the Great and Terrible has been holding back Natasha’s first (and likely, only) solo outing from a theatrical release for months now. However, it now looks like she is going to follow in Wonder Woman’s footsteps and be dumped on streaming. Hollywood is without question an SJW wasteland but when it comes to business matters, they are as conservative as you can get....


RIP Darth Vader Actor David Prowse

Darth Vader actor, David Prowse passed away in a London hospital on 28, November after a brief illness. His family has not stated what the cause of death was. "Though never formerly politically outspoken, Prowse publicly declared his support in 2009 for Ukip, the UK Independence party. Asked in 2014 what he would do if he ruled the galaxy, he said he would “reintroduce capital punishment”. He briefly managed the Welsh musician Jayce Lewis and wrote an autobiography, Straight from...


Girls Are Not Their Target Audience

It's interesting to try to pinpoint exactly who these mega-corporations in entertainment are trying to sell to. Back when the first feminism craze really hit in the 90s, it made a little bit of sense with attractive girls doing awesome things. Maybe it didn't make physical sense that a little blonde girl could beat up all these dudes, but from an audience perspective, one can clearly see why everyone would want to tune into it. Pretty girls sell. Always have, always...


The Return of Captain Jack

If prayer is the last refuge of the scoundrel, then turning to a man is the last refuge of a feminist.  The last acceptable (which is not to say good) season of Doctor Who was season eight. It had some major problems. But I could wade through it. Also, I did like Missy. Moffat’s last decent creation for Doctor Who. In fact, Missy provides what is arguably the last decent scene in Doctor Who. On the face of it this shouldn’t have been a...


Zoomers Know They’ve Been Robbed of Something

When I was a kid there were still a few dime stores around.  Nothing in them cost a dime by then but they still existed.  What didn't exist was dime-store culture. That lost bit of Americana where a bunch of bare foot boys wearing coonskin caps and carrying their bb-guns would wander into one to buy pop, candy and comic books with their paper route money. And honestly, it never even occured to me to miss it. So, why bring it up?  Because...