
Merry Christmas to All!!!

Hug your loved ones.  Remember the good times.  If you think you might know someone who is alone today go out of your way to find them and say, “hi,” you’ll be giving yourself quite a gift. If you are on deployment and away from family, keep in mind you’ve got your brothers all around you and trust me these will be the Christmas memories that you will hold most dear. Take a moment…if only a moment to remember the One who...


The Last Doctor Who Holiday Special

In case you are wondering why it's no longer the Christmas Special, that's because Christmas Day is too valuable of a time slot to waste on Doctor Who. There is a horrifying rumor running around that the show is going to get a couple of more seasons. I suspected that this was a possibility when the desperately flailing HBOmax bought up the rights after Netflix and then Amazon prime dropped the series. The funding had to come from...


FX’s Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol

REPOST: This isn't so much a review as it is a public service announcement. A reader asked me my opinion of FX’s new “edgy” version of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol. I said I’d give it a look. I did. Then I washed my eyes out with bleach. FX’s version of A Christmas Carol is hideous, hollow and Woke. I can’t do a proper review of it because I didn’t watch it all the way to the end. I threw in the towel when...


The Dark Herald Does Not Recommend Stargate Catherine

The poster is the best part, so enjoy it! Stargate Catherine (or Stargate Origins or whatever the hell they are calling it this week), is now available on Amazon Prime. MGM is in almost as bad a shape as Disney, they are now primarily a resort company and those have been shut down due to Covid-19.  MGM tried to make this thing the masthead for a Stargate streaming service. The fact that you probably haven’t heard of it until now, tells you how...


Why Do We Care About Luke So Much?

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men” - John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton  “Wrong” – The Dark Herald Power doesn’t tend to corrupt.  Power tends to reveal. When you get power, you do the kind of things you always wanted to.  You become the kind of man you always wanted to be. The last ten minutes of the Mandalorian’s utterly mundane and completely mediocre second season was so electrifying it had grown-ups both sobbing and screaming...


DC Slashes Production

From CBR (sorry about that): "By the end of December, DC will have published 50 one-shots, miniseries or ongoing titles across the main DC Universe and Black Label for the month, including several Dark Nights: Death Metal and Endless Winter tie-ins and one-shots. In February -- during Future State -- that number drops down to 40. Both of these counts include several double-shipping titles, a scheduling tactic DC has been utilizing for several years, now. However, in March, DC is publishing just 34 single...


Comics Should Be Fun

It seems a very simple premise, but for some reason an entire industry forgot the four words of the title of this post for the last 30 years. I just watched an interview with X-Men creator, Chris Claremont, in which he laments the direction the comic industry's gone. He regrets being a part of "the epic crossover" which turned books into marketing gimmicks for other books and away from their own individuality, their own storytelling. This is something we've talked...


Bob Iger to be the Next Ambassador to China!?!?!

I realize this is old fashioned of me, but shouldn’t an ambassador represent the interests of the country that is sending him to the host country?  And not the other way around? Silly of me I know.   There is no way in hell the Middle-Kingdom would tolerate such impudence from a bought and paid for vassal. Just to be clear I’m referring to Joe Biden here. Bob Iger is more of a political catamite so far as the People of the Han are...


Disney Magic

“This will enable us to tell great stories inspired by the perfect mix up creative excellence enhanced by data driven audience insights delivered in ways consumers want.”  - Disney CEO Bob Chapek’s speech at Disney Investor’s Day. If Shakespeare had listened to “data driven audience insights,” Juliet would have woken up in time. And her play would have been forgotten by 1598.  Data driven audience insights, is how you get a complete mediocrity like The Mandalorian.  Like I said before, “an accountant with the soul of...


Blogs and Ends: Disney’s Other Investor’s Day Announcements

A remake of Shogun?  Seriously? There were quite a few other announcements I didn’t get to on Friday’s post because I don’t care about them, but a few of my readers do, so here we go. Let’s get the minor stuff out the way.  There were a few hurried announcements for stuff that Disney apparently forgot they owned now.   FIRST F/X is going to be doing an Alien series that is rumored to be set on Earth and is allegedly retconning everything that happened after Aliens.  So,...