Is Gatwa Out?

Is Gatwa Out?

Is Gatwa Out? …as the Doctor, I mean

There was an interesting little article from That Park Place:

“A new report claims that The Walt Disney Company is seriously contemplating exiting its business relationship with the BBC and Bad Wolf Studios and leaving Doctor Who following the most recent season that posted the worst viewership numbers in the show’s entire history.”

“…a source close to the Doctor Who production informed him that Disney will “need to make a decision” on whether it continues forward with the show and depending on what this decision is, it could affect the status of Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor.”

I forgot about how Disney likes to do business or to be accurate I forgot this particular aspect of how Mickey the Great and Terrible rules those who are foolish enough to sign his Book.

There were a lot of people who were curious as to why this was being called Season 1 of Doctor as opposed to Season 15, (or more accurately Season 41). The reason is that due to the contract that the BBC signed with Disney, this version of Doctor Who is legally distinct from all other versions that the BBC owns. That might be the reason that Tennent’s newest incarnation was gay because that again would make him legally distinct.

The problem for Gatwa is that his Doctor is legally locked up as a joint property. The BBC can’t use him if Disney pulls the plug. They are supposed to be committed to two seasons but let’s face facts, if Cancer Rat says, “Yeah, I’m pulling out now. Fuck you, we’re done.” There isn’t a lot the BBC could do. They can’t sue, it’s not worth the expense.

In that case. Gatwa is out, there’s nothing he can do about it. His fate is at the mercy of Mickey the Great and Terrible, who does not even understand the concept of mercy.

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