Rumors: Cara Dune Has Been Recast

Not the character you understand.
Expect a few, vague references to Cara Dune’s tragic but heroic death.
No, the slot she was supposed to fill on Rangers of the New Republic is allegedly being handed to yet another Dave Filoni character. In this case, Hera Syndulla from Star Wars Rebels.
I was vaguely familiar with the character and I suppose if Thrawn is going to be the main villain going forward it makes sense for Syndulla to be the lead.
Mostly, this is another desperate bid for fan engagement after the firing of Gian Carano. Truth be told I don’t think it will work anywhere near as well as they hope it will.
Carano’s firing was a last straw kind of thing. It was too big of a reminder of how badly Disney has screwed the pooch with Star Wars.