
High Republic “Best Seller”

His total conviction caught my attention. Author Charles Soule or be more precise “Star Wars Author” Charles Soule, it is a distinct subcategory after all. Announced on Twitter last week that his book, “LIGHT OF THE JEDI will debut at #1 on the New York Times Bestseller List.” And, yes, this was before his book had sold a single copy. This didn’t seem to be like the usual cheerleading a trad-pub author is supposed to do for himself before a book launch.  This...


The Superheroic Virtues: Justice

The broken people of Alta California trudge dejected through the roads of the sleepy pueblo called Los Angeles. Two soldiers of the Alcalde march through the streets, one of them beating a relentless staccato rhythm on his drum.  Each tap of the drumstick, each fall of the foot serving to remind the peons of their status as a crushed people. The soldiers march through the dusty streets unafraid.  These people… These cattle have nothing left in them.  They exist from day to day only to...


Blogs and Ends: The Slow News Day Edition

Very slow news cycle in popculture at the moment.  January is usually a slow month for this kind of stuff as it is but January in the middle of a “plague” is glacial.  Also, I am exceptionally busy today. But fear not beloved readers.  The Dark Herald has not abandoned you… Completely. Here is a roundup of some items that weren’t in-depth enough to rate separate posts of their own. FIRST Star Wars the High Republic Shorts This is low rent.   I know I just did a huge three...


The Dark Herald Recommends: The Death of Stalin a Comedy of Terrors

NOTE: In the mood for a dark laugh? I know I am and I've got you covered. REPOST: The Left never lies about what it really wants. Oh sure, they lie about everything else but when they state their ultimate objectives, those are promises cut in stone, no matter how insane they sound. The staff of the National Cuckshed and the Bulwank try to make unfunny jokes about them but the problem is, the Left ain’t joking. Thirty years ago, they weren’t joking...


WandaVision: First Impressions

This is not a review.  I’ll have to finish the first season before I can do a proper The Dark Herald Recommends. This show is very definitely an odd duck. In principle, I like those.  We will have to see how this goes in practice. The first episode starts off as a 1950s family sitcom.  To include the style and tropes of shows like I Love Lucy and I Married Joan. The show is naturally in black and white. Vision and Wanda are living an idyllic...


Don’t Take the Disney Bait!

From StarWars.com: “The Star Wars gaming galaxy is about to experience its own Big Bang. “We’ve got a lot of stuff we’re ready to start sharing with fans,” Lucasfilm Games VP Douglas Reilly tells StarWars.com, “because we’ve been working quietly behind the scenes for a while now, waiting for this moment.” And by “this moment,” Reilly is referring to a new direction and era for Star Wars and Lucasfilm gaming overall, as Lucasfilm Games is now opening the doors to developers that want to come play in the...


Avoid Like The Plague: The Watch

This show hates me.  And it feels quite personal. I mean, ran over your dog, backed up and did it again, burned down your house, then sent your wife and children to the gas chambers personal. That is the level of individual hatred I felt directed at me while I was viewing The Watch. I am quite serious when I say that this show is the product of extreme mental illness.   Absolute, abject hatred of its source material is evident in every aspect...


The Star Wars the High Republic

I’ve never seen this much hype for this much nothing. Star Wars the High Republic has dropped, and we now have a new definition of flash and thunder that signifies jack-shit. The Story Group at Lucasfilm has been reliably rumored to keep a picture of Luke with a big red X across his face in their writer’s room. Which isn’t a surprise given one of their authors is Justina Ireland, who openly admits her driving force is rage against white people.  She’s a...


It’s Time For Marvel to Abandon the Punisher

The Punisher Log has now been officially declared "Transracisthomophobic." "The seditionists that invaded the Capitol today wore a Punisher logo. I say @marvel needs to either aggressively enforce their trademark so it isn't printed everywhere or abandon the Punisher completely. You can't allow your characters to be used by terrorists. — ComicTropes (@CTropes) January 7, 2021" I can't believe the words that are about to flow out of my fingers but I for one support ComicTropes, (whatever the hell they are?), in...