Yearly Archives - 2023

Raquel Has Left Us

She was the last of the old-school Hollywood bombshells and the most frequent complaint about her was that she couldn't act. If that was why you were watching Raquel Welch, you were doing life wrong. She arrived in a Life magazine spread called "The End of the Great Girl Drought." This got her a 7-year / 5-picture deal with 20th Century Fox. The studio wanted her to change her name to Debbie, instead, she made Raquel a household name. She...


RUMOR ALERT: Hogwarts Legacy TV Show

Warner Brothers' earnings call is ten days away. Zaslav will be making a number of announcements both good and bad. Because he has to be seen to be doing something. The most important this time is going to be who he is picking to run Wizarding World Productions (or whatever they are calling the Harry Potter Universe). Zaslav needs something more solid than a name, he has to announce a production but if the DCU is anything to go by, he isn't going...


Is Velma Getting A Second Season?

Depends on who you ask. I've been seeing claims that it is getting renewed all day. I just can't find anything that looks like a real confirmation. Just YouTubers and access media reading each other's headlines. The brighter ones are putting a question mark on the statement. I've found no official announcement in Variety, or the Hollywood Reporter, and only a backhanded confirmation in Deadline. Mind you I'm not saying it's not getting a second season. It still might. Warner...


Super Bowl 2023 Movie Trailers

Not all of the trailers. Just four. These are the only ones that I have to see for the Arkhaven Blog, and truthfully only have to see three of them but I'm geuninely interested in the first one. Regardless, the intriguing factor of these trailers for me is the number of views in the first 24 hours. It's not a perfect measure of audience interest to be sure, but it does give you an idea...


Warner Brothers’ Grand Design

It’s simple but complicated.  AT&T spun off Warner Brothers when they setup the merger with Discovery.  However, they still own a great deal of Warner Brothers Discovery stock.   They want Warner Brothers sold to another company.  Zaslav’s job is to get it ready for that sale.  Everything to do with the DC has to be viewed through that prism.  The first thing Zaslav had to do was trim the fat. So, he killed off what I’m going to call the Sarnoffverse.  The previous regime’s plan had been...


Blogs And Ends: The When Did I Start Running a Business News Blog Edition?

Okay too many things to get cranked out too fast. So I'm doing an anthology post. FIRST Iger is thinking about selling Hulu On the face of it, this is nuts. Hulu is one of Disney's few real money makers. Its annual gross revenue is $9.6 Billion. However, it's less crazy when you dig into to it. Currently one third of that gross revenue has to go to Universal. Here's a quick refresher on the background. Hulu started as an equal partnership...


Breaking News – Disney Proxy Fight Has Ended

Nelson Peltz has dropped his fight to get on the Disney board of directors. This comes literally the day after a fairly brutal earnings call for Bob Iger. He had to admit that Disney streaming has disastrously underperformed and lost millions of subscribers. Mostly because they had to end the sleight of hand regarding subscriber numbers due to the Warner Brothers lawsuit. Everybody is cleaning up their act in that regard. Hot Star in India lost most...


Who Will Be the First Openly Gay Star Wars Character?

I sense a disturbance. REPOST: 2/8/23 from two years ago. Disney/LucasFilm will be looking into the queerness of a long established Star Wars character. Which one you ask? (long tired sigh) #TheDarkHeraldWasRight A stupid question to be certain but one that SJWs are demanding an answer to. And Disney will absolutely provide that answer.  There is zero doubt in my mind that past a certain point, one of the senior executives at Fort Mickey will start demanding it. During the...


Tianna’s Horrifying Salt Mining Collective

Well, Splash Mountain and Brer Rabbit's adventure that has charmed families for decades is gone for good.* As I have said before, the ride was in desperate need of refurbishment. And while Disney could have shown an ounce of integrity by preserving its groundbreaking contribution to the black American experience, this is fucking Disney we are talking about. And Iger was just getting too many Boomer vapors because of Song of the South. They could have also preserved the integrity of...


The Dark Herald Recommends: Terry Pratchett’s The Amazing Maurice

This is it. This is finally the Terry Pratchett film his fans have waited for, “the looked for that cometh at unawares, the longed for that cometh beyond hope!” It is the Terry Pratchett movie that finally got things right. At least for me.   Purists will doubtless be furious that this favorite scene or that was left out.  And given that the RT scores for once seem to reflect the reviewers’ accurate opinions (due to a lack of bribery funds) score of 75% (audience score is...