Who Will Be the First Openly Gay Star Wars Character?

I sense a disturbance.REPOST: 2/8/23 from two years ago. Disney/LucasFilm will be looking into the queerness of a long established Star Wars character. Which one you ask? (long tired sigh) #TheDarkHeraldWasRightA stupid question to be certain but one that SJWs are demanding an answer to.And Disney will absolutely provide that answer.  There is zero doubt in my mind that past a certain point, one of the senior executives at Fort Mickey will start demanding it.During the...


Tianna’s Horrifying Salt Mining Collective

Well, Splash Mountain and Brer Rabbit's adventure that has charmed families for decades is gone for good.*As I have said before, the ride was in desperate need of refurbishment. And while Disney could have shown an ounce of integrity by preserving its groundbreaking contribution to the black American experience, this is fucking Disney we are talking about.And Iger was just getting too many Boomer vapors because of Song of the South. They could have also preserved the integrity of...


The Dark Herald Recommends: Terry Pratchett’s The Amazing Maurice

This is it.This is finally the Terry Pratchett film his fans have waited for, “the looked for that cometh at unawares, the longed for that cometh beyond hope!” It is the Terry Pratchett movie that finally got things right.At least for me.  Purists will doubtless be furious that this favorite scene or that was left out.  And given that the RT scores for once seem to reflect the reviewers’ accurate opinions (due to a lack of bribery funds) score of 75% (audience score is...


Rumor Bomb: The Future of Star Wars

Okay, this one is all on WDW Pro.Normally I wouldn't go with a rumor like this but Pro's track record is exceptional so my confidence in this intel is high.There was a big pow-wow at Disney on the future of Star Wars. Iger, the senior executive leadership at Disney as well as the leadership of LucasFilm. Disney has massively over-invested in Reylo Star Wars. The sunk costs are too big to reskin the rides and attractions at Disney...


RE:Play Bioshock

Okay, how many of you would inject yourself with a random bottle of Glowing Red Shit just because some guy on a radio, who you have never seen before, said you should? -- Cataline SergiusThis is an oldie I decided to brush the dust off of and tack up here.Bioshock is now ten years old.  Wow, think about that for a second. That much time has crept up on us since the first Bioshock game came out.2007...


HardDrive-By: Dead Space (2023)

I can’t believe I bought this game.I stumbled across the first Dead Space game pretty much by accident. I was in Target (which I no longer set foot in), and I had some money available for a cheap game (this was right before the first of the Steam Sales).  I am not nuts about horror games but I had enjoyed F.E.A.R. and was looking for something like that.  I forget what I paid for Dead Space, but full price would have been...


Oscar Predictions 2023

First, the award show is going to suck unless Will Smith slaps somebody else. Second, Marvel will take home its first serious Oscar.  They’ve won for technical awards before… I think… Honestly, I didn’t check, and I don’t need to, it’s the only thing the Academy would give to a popular movie. So, Marvel almost certainly won for one of those non-serious awards Anyway, Angela Basset is going to win for Best Supporting Actress for Wakanda: Forever.  Was her performance Oscar-worthy?  Well, it was the best thing in...


DC’s New Slate of Films

2ND UPDATE: I did miss some good news.JJ Abrams race-swapped Superman and race-swapped John Constantine weren't mentioned in any capacity. Strongly indicating they have been shitcanned.Better news. Superman and Lois were listed as an Elseworld title, meaning the only diamond in the CW manure mountain has been saved.UPDATE: I missed an even bigger red flag. Crystal Henry who ran HBO's Watchmen and had Doctor Manhatten literally hand his balls to the woman as a symbol of transferring...


Arkhaven Spotlight: Wise of Heart

“It shall be unlawful for any teacher in any of the Universities, Normals and all other public schools of the State which are supported in whole or in part by the public school funds of the State, to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals.​”This is the wording of the Tennessee Butler Act of 1925.  Despite...