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In the mood for a good Halloween story? I’ve got one for you. “I am a watchdog. My name is Snuff. I... read more
One of my earliest memories is the landing of Apollo 11. My parents woke me up for it and dragged... read more
Not about the trailer I still think it looks like flash and thunder that signifies Bad Robot filmmaking. These are... read more
I think there is no question he did. But the big question is was it deliberate?For those who don't... read more
I’ve tried to start a review for Marvel’s MoonKnight four times now and I can’t get anything down on paper. I... read more
Invasion '55 — Chuck Dixon's unapologetic homage to the 50's movies he watched on the Early Show as a kid. He... read more
Yes, I had better things to do than report on DC films. But it is comic book news so here I... read more
Welcome to the Arkhaven Roundup, a regular feature at the Arkhaven Blog usually on Mondays but I’ll be moving it... read more
Marvel's What If... Comics used to be kind of fun and different.What If Spiderman Joined the Fantastic Four?What If Gwen... read more
That headline either means nothing at all to you, or it makes you sick to your stomach. I can’t think... read more