Disney’s New Mouth of Sauron

This is a major and obviously politically motivated hire for Disney.
From Deadline so don’t click on the link:
“Kristina Schake, who has led the Biden administration’s Covid vaccination education efforts and previously served as communications director for First Lady Michelle Obama and later in a top role in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, is joining The Walt Disney Co. as its lead spokesperson.
Schake will report to Geoff Morrell, the company’s chief corporate affairs officer.
President Joe Biden appointed Schake last year to lead the Covid vaccination campaign at the Department of Health and Human Services, where she was counselor to secretary for strategic communications. She departed at the end of last year.”
Hiring her is a major ‘I’m sorry, I promise I won’t do it again,’ from Bob Chapek.
This woman is quite the somebody in the forces of darkness. Hiring her is a signal that Disney is going to continue the follow the path laid out by Bob Iger and carried out by his minions who remain within the company. She will be in charge of Disney’s global communications.
Any idea that Disney was going to quietly go back to being apolitical is now dead in the water.
The question I’m left with is, how did Chapek not know what he was up against?
It’s true that he didn’t come from the show biz world and that his elevation and Iger’s fall shocked Hollywood. But he seems to have thought he could treat Disney like any other company. The problem is that Bob Iger made it a leader in the “Renaissance of Identity” of movement.
Basically the purpose of the “Renaissance of Identity” is to replace meritocracy (such as it was) with a revived tribalism. Not nationalism you need to understand but tribalism. They have had a good deal of success at this if you know where to look. For instance, the attitude towards slavery reparations used to be ‘yeah it sucked for your great-great grand parents but I personally am not responsible for what happened to them. And you and you have no right to a cash settlement because you aren’t them.
But in the world of resurgent tribalism over individualism, it makes perfect sense. Because how that world works is, if one tribe sheds the blood of another tribe, then the only way it can be repaid is to for the offending tribe to shed its blood in payment.
You see that one all over the Mideast, where murder isn’t a personal matter, it’s something that has to be settled between tribes.
That is what the Walter Kaitz Foundation is dedicated to bringing to all venues of mass American entertainment and American life.
Darklings: What the hell is the Walter Kaitz Foundation?
Dark Herald: Excellent question and one they don’t want to answer in any serious way.
The simplest explanation is that it is the head of the hydra charged with mass brain washing through entertainment. Although, they have a more saccharine way of putting it.
“As the entertainment and telecommunication industry’s leading national foundation dedicated to advocacy around diversity, equity and inclusion, the Walter Kaitz Foundation provides resources and significant funding to key organizations that support vital programs and initiatives that further diversity’s impact. The foundation was initially established in 1980 as a non-for-profit with the purpose of advancing the contributions of women and ethnic minorities in cable telecommunications and today serves the broad embrace of diversity and inclusion across the entire industry.”
Wordsalad wordsalad bullshit wordsalad. Yeah, I know. But here is how one their major partners describe themselves,
QWOCMAP (I will not spell out its full name) creates, exhibits, and distributes films that authentically reflect the lives and address the social justice issues that concern African Descent/Black; Native American; First Nations & Indigenous; Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander; Southwest Asian, Middle Eastern, Arab, North African, South Asian; Asian, Southeast Asian, Central Asian; Latinx including indígena and afrodescendiente; and multi-ethnic lesbian, bisexual women, queer women of color (both cisgender & transgender), Two Spirit, intersex, and nonbinary, gender nonconforming, and transgender people of color (of any orientation).
Darklings: Okay, so the WKF likes nut jobs. Why does that make them something to worry about?
To give you an idea of its scope of its power here is a partial list of the Walter Kaitz Foundation Board of Directors, whose organizations you might recognize:
Peter Rice, Chairman Disney General Content
James Pitaro, Chairman Disney ESPN
Dave Watson, CEO Comcast
Bob Bakish, President and CEO of Paramount
Charlie Collier, CEO Fox Entertainment
Jason Kilar, (current) CEO Warner Brothers
David Zaslav, (incoming) CEO Warner Brothers, CEO Discovery inc.
Mark Greatrex, CEO Cox Communications
Joshua Sapan, Executive Vice Chairman AMC
Paul Buccieri, President A&E
David Nevins, Chief of Content Paramount
These guys are very high up in their companies and they all get together regularly to push the “not-at-all-secret-agenda.”
I come from the innocent as a lamb world of secret military operations. I never believed in conspiracies because in my personal experience if more than three people knew a secret then the secret would probably leak.
Once I started covering show biz, I quickly became a believer in conspiracies because they clearly and obviously came down on the side of Occam’s Razer. Not only are these conspiracies the simplest explanation, they are operating in the comparative open. This is why I get so fed up with guys like Doomcock and Kamran Pasha, they aren’t bad men but they are refusing to look at the scale of the problem when they talk about “saving our popculture.” These people aren’t interested in taking over popculture because they’ve already won that fight. They want to wipe out the enemy tribe.
The one that identifies as American.