Rippaverse Banned

Getting thrown out of the right club is always a mark of quality.
YouTuber Eric July’s Rippaverse comic book, Isom #1 has broken the bank and that goes over very badly in the kind of country club those bankers play golf at.
I am being metaphorical, here none of the people coming out against this comic would consider anything more athletic than getting out of bed in the morning, (assuming they do that), let alone something that involves as much walking as golf.
Regardless, Young Rippa’s crowdfunded comic book had a goal of one hundred thousand dollars and just broke one million dollars.
And July gets to keep all of *it. Instead of using Kickstarter or Indiegogo he built a platform on his own website.
Here’s his video.
Everything he said there is perfectly true which always goes over badly in some quarters.
The ComicBooks subreddit has now banned the Rippaverse. Along with anyone that dares breathe of its existence.
“Eric July’s launch of his Rippaverse Comics was banned by the ComicBooks subreddit, which touts over 2.5 million true believers.
An error message on the post reads, ‘Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/comicbooks. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.’”
And POCs what gets too uppity for a mod’s liking. The nice thing about not being able to define what is a woman or what is racist is that you can declare anything you like to be this thing no matter how ridiculous it is.
“The user did indeed contact the moderator team and asked, “I’m curious, why was I banned?”
A moderator responded, “You broke rule #1 as pertaining to supporting comics from hate groups.”
Rule 1 on the r/ComicBooks subreddit reads, ‘Rule 1: Be Civil: Racial, sexual, homophobic, or cultural slurs will result in a permanent ban. Do not disparage the differently abled or threaten or incite harm against other users, creators, or industry professionals. Any form of bigotry or support of hate groups (such as comicsgate) is not permitted.’”
Yes, an unknown POC YouTuber making much more money in a week than today’s industry professionals could in ten years, would be very threatening indeed.
*Taxes notwithstanding.