The Fate of the DC Cinematic Universe

The Mass executions at Warner Brothers have gotten underway ahead of schedule.
Are the firings serious? Oh, yes, my Darklings they are indeed.
Ann Sarnoff, who has been doing for DC what Kathleen Kennedy has done for Star Wars, and I’m not exaggerating in the least, Ann who was born with a solid platinum membership card to the Hollywood Club waiting for her in the delivery room has been “confirmed to have left Warner Brothers last week.”
That is show-biz talk for shitcanned.
She was not expecting to be shown the door, but then again, I don’t know if David Zaslav bothered to show it to her before he chucked her through it. Her boss, Jason Kilar has likewise found himself in the street with a ‘what happened? Look on his face.
AT&T decided to accelerate the spinoff and merger of Warner Brothers Discovery, in the wake of the one-two punch of Ezra Miller’s latest meltdown combined with the incoming bomb of Fantastic Beasts 3. Clearly, it was time to ritually cover the floors of the executive offices with blood once more in a desperate attempt to placate the movie gods.
This time it was fairly well deserved. This is the team that put Walter Hamada in charge of the DC Films division on the basis of Shazam’s middling if still profitable performance.
Ann Sarnoff has been a staunch supporter of Walter Hamada’s despite a string of failed DC films. It was Hamada who tried to stop Joker dead in its tracks, and when it was greenlit over his objections, he followed that one up by bringing in a lot of outside financing for it. What did that mean? Well, do you remember how Joker was a surprise hit that made over $1 billion worldwide? Yeah, Warner got to see very little of that thanks to Hamada’s brilliant financing plan. Most of that money went to the outside backers. And at a budget of $50 million Warner Brothers could have easily eaten that and never burped, then kept the whole thing.
Hamada is also the genius mogul who shepherded Wonder Woman 1984 and the first Suicide Squad all the way to box office squaller.
Both Sarnoff and Hamada did their level best to roadblock the Snyder Cut. And allegedly tried to sabotage it right before launch by leaking a pristine copy onto the high seas the week before the Snyder Cut launched.
So, why was Snaroff so protective of Hamada and what were they trying to do?
That one is easy. Both of them have been relentless proponents of The Message. They are determined to follow in Kevin Feige’s Woke footsteps despite the fact that they are disappearing into quicksand these days. That doesn’t matter, The Message is the all and the everything to the Club.
Sarnoff and Hamada’s plan for the DCU is all centered around the upcoming Flash movie, Flashpoint. For those that aren’t familiar with the storyline; in Flashpoint, Barry Allen travels back in time to save his mother but in doing so creates a horrible present. He eventually goes back again to set things right but when he gets back the present is significantly altered. Basically, it was yet another reset for DC Comics.
Which is what it’s supposed to do for the DCU. But in this reset, Ben Affleck’s Batman is supposed to die. Henry Cavil’s Superman will be wiped out of existence on Krypton by General Zod before he is even an embryo. Basically, the Snyderverse is swept away, leaving in its place the new big three of the DCU; Latinx Supergirl, Latinx Batgirl (with Keaton’s Batman acting as Mentor), and of course Wonder Woman.
Hamada is also the guy who aggressively pursued JJ Abrams as the director for the Black Superman movie. Hamada wants JJ to do for the DCU what he has already done for Star Trek and Star Wars.
No, seriously, that is the way Hamada sold it to Anne Sarnoff and she loved the idea. They honestly seem to think he’s super popular with the fans of both franchises. And to make sure The Message was crystal clear in Black Superman, he hired Ta-Nehisi Coates to write the script. This was a decision made to please The Club.
Sarnoff decided back to Amber Heard against Johnny Depp. This was also a decision made to please The Club because they decided they liked her when she started dating Elon Musk. The Club likes money. A lot. Heard was declared a protected person in Hollywood. Sarnoff was instrumental in firing Depp from the part of Grindlewald. The villain was fired two movies into a trilogy. Unless an actor dies, you don’t recast at that point in a major cinematic series and you sure as hell don’t do it to please The Club. In addition, it was Sarnoff’s decision to make Ezra Miller incredibly prominent in the Secrets of Dumbledore. Walter Hamada was for his part, trying to get Heard her own Aquawoman series on HBOmax.
Hamada is also the guy that was trying to promote the obviously mentally ill pervert, Ezra Miller, to superstar status with his own Flash movie. Miller’s pronouns are They, Them. And They may have a better right to its use than most of the green-haired Tik-Tokers, as there is apparently more than one personality running around in that head. They is simply too crazy to be functional. They is both for Trans rights and gun rights. They says that out loud in Hollywood where people can hear it. That is how crazy Them is. There were emergency meetings at Warner’s this week over Ezra Miller’s latest arrest and suspending Them’s continued presence in Warner Brothers’ movies.
The rumor as of Saturday is that Walter Hamada is out too. This isn’t confirmed but if it hasn’t happened yet it probably will soon. With Ann Sarnoff gone, Hamada has little chance of survival given his track record, which seems to matter now.
So, what is going to happen to the DCU now? Good question, according to scooper Mikey Sutton (who has a better batting average than Doomcock), Batfleck now survives Flashpoint although there is no word about Henry Cavill’s Superman yet.
Flashpoint has been moved from a release date of this fall to the summer of next year. Meaning there are going to be major reshoots. And there have already been major reshoots. This movie is going to be even more of a cinematic cut-and-paste Frankenstein than The Rise of Skywalker. After last week, Flashpointing Ezra Miller out of the DCU has to be on the table at Warner Brothers.
If Hamada is gone then I’ve got serious doubts about Warner Brothers pursuing the Hamadaverse. Black Superman has run into major trouble for the completely predictable reason that Ta-Nehisi Coates’ script turned out to be unworkable garbage. The man writes anti-white diatribes for a white audience, that is all he brings to the party. At this point, Warner Brother’s can put this JJ Abrams “back into development” without much backlash.
If incoming CEO David Zaslav wants to pursue a different direction for the DCU, there is only one other thing on the table right now.
Will the Snyderverse return from the dead? Well… It wouldn’t be the first time.