Yearly Archives - 2021

Woke Fiction Always Sucks

Beloved Readers: And water is always wet, oh insightful one. What’s your point? Today, I’m taking a dive into why it sucks. What makes it so reliably bad? How come even the best Woke fiction never rises above mediocre? What exactly is wrong with it and is it possible to fix Woke fiction? First, we need a functional definition: Woke fiction is a story whose primary purpose is not to entertain but indoctrinate an audience into current Feminist ideology by utilizing feminist critique. Elements...


The Great DC Comics Sell-Off

Months ago, former Green Lantern artist Ethan Van Sciver became the first to talk about AT&T shutting down DC Comics publishing division with talks of the company being sold off. At first, many were dubious because the claim seems so wild, people could hardly imagine DC Comics taking such a tumble. News of firings came out of DC in December, slashing more than one third of their staff. News of their line being reduced by about a third from last...


Anime is Great…It’s the Fans That Suck (Part 2)

Anime truly arrived in America in 1989. I still remember where I first saw the real thing.  I was laying in my rack aboard a tub of a ship that was shortly going to scrapped.  The air conditioning failed constantly.  As did the lights.  The plumbing howled in agony when it wasn’t vomiting sewage onto the deck. The skipper had accidentally beached her so many times that the entire crew called him, “Captain Crunch.”  We, the Marines aboard her, kept hearing...


A Return To Excellence

Not only was comic book storytelling much better in the 1950s-1970s than today, but the style in which the artists had to work, often known as the "house style" of publishers is what made for consistency, quality, and an aesthetic choice in which we all loved. No one exemplified this quality more than artist John Buscema, whose work is memorable and beautiful in that it defined what every artist in Marvel was working toward in the 1970s. Here's an example...


Blizzcon 2021 Sucked!

The absolute state of Blizzard Why did they even have a Blizzcon event?   They could have gotten away with pulling the plug completely this year.  All of the virtual conventions have been busts.  Sure, it was their thirtieth anniversary but frankly, that’s not an important number.  Twenty and Twenty-five, sure those are milestones.  Thirty years is just something that happens along the way to your fiftieth anniversary. Also, Blizzard doesn’t have a hope in hell of making it to their fiftieth anniversary.  The company strongly appears to have...


Impressions: The Gina Carano Interview

First Impression: Oh my crap, Ben Shapiro has an annoying voice!   High, reedy, plus nasally to boot. It’s a fingernails-on-a-blackboard, punch-a-nerd-voice.  No wonder he hated Trump so much. Shapiro is everything masculine isn’t. Second Impression: Gina is tired. Really tired.  She has been under a lot of stress for a long time.  This was not an angry person’s interview. This is someone who has been dragged across asphalt for months. She had been living the life of a condemned prisoner who knew that one day she would...


That Was Your Big Reveal?!?!?

You know how there was supposed to be this huge reveal on this week's WandaVision? That it was going to be up there with the Return of Luke? Was it going to be Magneto? Maybe there would be a walk-on by Chris Evans or RDJ? Could it be the first manifestation of Galactus? Yeah, not so much. Since episode freaking one, ALL of the long-time Marvel Comics fans instantly identified the character of Agnes as the witch Agatha...


Anime is Great – It’s the Fans That Suck! (Part 1 of 2)

 I could tell that Anime had gone mainstream when it arrived in the PX.   There is a belief among civilians that stuff is cheaper in the PX.  This is only marginally true, It really isn’t what it used to be.  Back before I came in, everyone in the Exchange system was in uniform, (from the truck driver who picked up the merch at the warehouse to the guy who ran the cash register). Everything thing got sold to GIs at wholesale.  However, by...


And Then They Came For Supergirl…

To be fair, they've been trying to woke-ize supergirl for the last several years, both on the TV show where they turned Lois Lane's sister into a lesbian in season 2, after making a family-friendly season 1 for a nice bait and switch indoctrination of children for grooming the lifestyle, and they also have been pushing craziness in the comics with Supergirl's "non-binary friend." So it was only a matter of time before they replaced blonde Kara Zor El: I can see...


The LucasFilm Civil War is Over

And Star Wars lost. The abrupt and extremely petulant firing of Gina Carano from LucasFilm has made abundantly clear that the Return of Luke meant absolutely nothing.   Any good warm fuzzies that came from that were strictly the result of fan projection.  There undoubtedly are people at LucasFilm that aren’t happy to see their life’s work thrown into a raging dumpster fire.  But they are not going to be able to do anything about it.  These people are the holdovers from George Lucas’ day and...