Yearly Archives - 2021

TSR Games Banned From GenCon

The secret we should never let the gamemasters know is that they don't need any rules. -Gary GygaxI am firmly of the opinion that one of Twitter’s major sources of income is providing angry mobs on command for a fee.  The revoltingly fat and malignantly repulsive fifteen-year-old girls that make up the core of the Stans haven’t the slightest interest in anything other than para-social activity on the internet.   They have never been interested in Star Wars, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings,...


Book Discussion: King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

Woke ruins everything.***MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW FOR KING OF SCARS AND CROOKED KINGDOM***Leigh Bardugo wrote a genuine pair of modern classics with Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. I’ve praised the former already and will get around to the latter eventually, so I won’t go into how awesome they were other than to say, I had been left panting for more.So, I eagerly tore into the next volume in her library, King of Scars.Bardugo’s first three books, the Starkov Trilogy took...


UPDATE: Harrison Ford is Severely Injured

Disney’s semi-official leak is that Harrison Ford’s shoulder injury has temporarily halted production for six weeks.  Frankly, official statements are given to sunny optimism.  It shouldn’t be forgotten that Ford is seventy-eight no word on whether or not he’s had to have surgery but if WDW Pro is correct then I would bet on it. According to WDW Pro at Pirates and Princesses Blog, Harrison Ford is down for eight weeks not six.  More significantly, according to Pro, the production has been completely shut down.  There is...


Loki Update – Lamentis

“Oh god, they are sitting and talking AGAIN!”I had said before that this show, (and indeed all Marvel mini-series on Disney Plus) was originally pitched as a film with a run time of about two hours.  It was turned into a miniseries by stuffing 4 extra hours of pointless padding.  Sitting and talking to be specific. We are now three episodes in, and last night’s episode ended in a cliffhanger. The only time Loki is acting in character is when there isn’t a...


Blogs and Ends: Don’t Read This Post

I told you not to do that.It's no secret that Netflix marketing plan is throw some shit at the wall and see what sticks.They are actually worse than Amazon in that way.For every Dark Crystal reboot, they have about five of these things but I will grant this year's crop from the big red N is unusually bad. FIRSTSexy BeastsA furry dating show, not kidding, wish I was. The absurd part is the pretense that these couples aren't attractive under the...


Harrison Ford Injured on the Set of Indy V

From Deadline:" Harrison Ford hurt himself rehearsing a fight scene in Indiana Jones 5, sources tell Deadline.  The extent of his injury wasn’t immediately known..."Yeah, I bet."...but it involves his shoulder. Director James Mangold will continue to shoot around him while the appropriate course of treatment is evaluated. The filming schedule will be reconfigured as needed in the coming weeks.Ford suffered a serious injury when his leg was broken by a hydraulic door in a freak accident on the set of the...


Hugo Awards Committee Resigns En Masse

I don't know why yet. First two, off the top of my head guesses are: DisCon didn't (or more likely couldn't) meet their Diversity and Inclusion quotas.Or they were furious because DisCon ordered the Hugos to create a special category for video games this year.Whatever the reason, it will have nothing to do with the literary integrity of the Hugo Award because that was pissed away years ago.Developing.


Book Discussion: Six of Crows

Book discussions were a staple of the old Dark Herald blog it’s long past time I did one here.Holland is a very unusual setting for a fantasy setting.  The reason is both simple and complicated.  The simple explanation is that you try to base a fantasy template on the mythology of a real country and Holland doesn’t have any myths. It’s not that they are just too dour and business-minded to consider something as frivolous as a mythology.  It’s that there is no...


This Week’s Arktoons Roundup Is Now Live

This week's addition focuses on "The Legend" Chuck Dixon.

Go Monster Go

"The way we name towns has always been a little odd in America. On the East Coast most everything seems to be named for something or someone from the old country, New York, New Jersey, Charleston (King Charles Town when founded),  King George got a whole state named after him.When you get to the Midwest it’s either Native American or French names with some stuff from classical literature thrown in: Chicago, Detroit,...