Anime is Great – It’s the Fans That Suck! (Part 1 of 2)

 I could tell that Anime had gone mainstream when it arrived in the PX.  There is a belief among civilians that stuff is cheaper in the PX. This is only marginally true, It really isn’t what it used to be.  Back before I came in, everyone in the Exchange system was in uniform, (from the truck driver who picked up the merch at the warehouse to the guy who ran the cash register). Everything thing got sold to GIs at wholesale. However, by...


And Then They Came For Supergirl…

To be fair, they've been trying to woke-ize supergirl for the last several years, both on the TV show where they turned Lois Lane's sister into a lesbian in season 2, after making a family-friendly season 1 for a nice bait and switch indoctrination of children for grooming the lifestyle, and they also have been pushing craziness in the comics with Supergirl's "non-binary friend."So it was only a matter of time before they replaced blonde Kara Zor El:I can see...


The LucasFilm Civil War is Over

And Star Wars lost.The abrupt and extremely petulant firing of Gina Carano from LucasFilm has made abundantly clear that the Return of Luke meant absolutely nothing.  Any good warm fuzzies that came from that were strictly the result of fan projection.  There undoubtedly are people at LucasFilm that aren’t happy to see their life’s work thrown into a raging dumpster fire.  But they are not going to be able to do anything about it. These people are the holdovers from George Lucas’ day and...


RE:View The Extraordinary Adventures of Adele Blanc-Sec

America invented the comic book and gave it to the world.  Which is a good thing because we kinda suck at it now.There isn’t a lot the traditional publishers can do about it at this point.  Fredric Wertham came along just as American comics were finding their way out of the it’s- just-kid-stuff ghetto in the 1950s. Admittedly, EC Comics were shlock garbage but you gotta start somewhere. Thanks to the Comic Book Code, the kid’s stuff ghetto was where American comics...


Top 5 DC Characters For Arkhaven To License!

If DC does shut its doors and start licensing out characters, Arkhaven has a real opportunity as one of the only major competitors out there to potentially license some of these classic characters.  There’s a lot of great ones to choose from, but I’ll give a top 5 and try my hardest not just to list characters created by Steve Ditko, as tempting as it would be to do a Watchmen with Charlton heroes only not a cynical parody, actually...


Ma Bell is Pulling the Trigger on DC

Where there is smoke there is not necessarily fire but that said, there is a LOT of smoke here.However, be advised we are entering the rumor zone.  I do not have direct contact with any of the players.  But these rumors do make sense, the sources have been reliable in past and the word is that……Diamond Distributers is buying DC Comics. Beloved Reader: What is Diamond Distributors? You ask and the Dark Herald answers:When I was a kid there was no such thing as...


Originality Is Not Quality Storytelling

Tropes work for a reason. Story structures that are tried and true also work for a reason.It comes down to heroism and what makes a compelling character. All too many comic books in the last thirty years have tried to peddle nonsense like "evil is not truly evil, it's misunderstood!" and "there's no such thing as a true hero, everyone is flawed!" The problem with these storytelling structures is it objectively rings false. I hate giving Star Wars as examples,...


The Gamma Boss: Joss Whedon

Apparently, the Non-Disparagement Agreement clauses on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s contracts expired this week, because everyone is talking all at once about how toxic Joss Whedon was to work for.You only have to look at the chubby little goblin and you see Gamma face.  Puffy and pinched with sunken piggy eyes.  The Germans have a word, Backpfeifengesicht, a face in need of a fist. Just looking at a picture of Whedon and any normal man feels his fingers instinctively start to...


Blogs and Ends: The Black Swan Edition

I was in the middle of writing a post on Joss Whedon and what a ripe slice of hell it must have been to work for him when a family emergency came up.  Nothing bad but I still had to take care of it.Hopefully, I can get the Whedon post tacked up tomorrow.FIRSTI won’t know for sure until a couple of months pass by, but I have begun to suspect that the firing of Gina Carano is the Black Swan event...