Disney Deathwatch: The Thanksgiving Edition

Captain America 4 is already DOA
Here’s a shock, the latest round of test screenings went badly so they are going back, yet again, into reshoots. I have no idea how many times it has gone into reshoots at this point. The production budget is well north of $400 million and given the lack of interest it’s not going to make half of what it needs to, to make a profit.
I kind of feel sorry for Anthony Mackie. He seems like a nice guy but he never had the kind of shoulders you need to hold up a mega franchise. Declaring him to be thee Captain America didn’t change his status or popularity. Disney couldn’t believe that it didn’t have that power when Marvel made that decision, but they do now.
This movie was born doomed. To paraphrase Robert Burnett: It was put into production with a script that they knew would have to be scrapped, a director that wasn’t remotely up to the job, and who Marvel wasn’t going to listen to anyway. The plan from the start was for Marvel executives to fix it while it was in production.
This is called the Marvel Method and it’s cost Disney about a billion dollars so far.

Disney World Kills the Muppets
The last project that Jim Henson himself worked on is about to be shut down to make way for a Monsters Inc. area.
Muppet*Vision 3D was one of the few opening day attractions at California Adventure that everyone agreed was actually any good.
Muppet Vision combined a 3D film projection along with interactive audio-animatronics and a live performer playing Sweetums.
Its closure is going over about as well with parkgoers as any of the other retarded ideas that Josh D’Amaro is ramrodding through in the desperate hope of being able to follow in Bob Chapek’s footsteps into the CEO’s office.
This was Henson Studios rather diplomatic statement.
Jim Henson’s final project was MuppetVision 3D, now regarded as a true theme park classic.” the company now owned and controlled by Jim’s kids said in the post. “Innovation was always Jim Henson’s North Star, and his trailblazing career led him to a unique challenge: a truly immersive Muppet experience where audiences are part of the happy chaos of the iconic Muppet Show. Originally debuting in 1991, MuppetVision 3D combined 3D technology with real-world practical effects, alongside animatronic and live Muppet characters. The result was a one-of-a-kind Jim Henson experience, and an unforgettable capstone to Jim’s magnificent career. As we learn of the show’s upcoming closure in its current form at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, we look forward to MuppetVision 3D’s next act.”
The Muppets are being moved into a godawful retheme of the Rokin’ Rollercoaster. It sounds like it’s going to be worse than Superstar Limo if that is even possible.

Dana Walden is officially unofficially out as the next CEO of Disney
“Under Trump’s presidency, the Florida situation could ramp up dramatically,” Mike Fahey, CEO and founder of Fahey Communications, a national PR firm specializing in political campaigns, said in an interview with Newsweek. “Disney straddles a precarious line between the expectations of its employees, the interests of its shareholders and the kinds of political shenanigans that corporations might wish to stay out of. It may not be possible for Disney to stay out of it too much longer because Trump is pushing local issues like Reedy Creek to the national level.”
This was from Newsweek. And this article feels very much like a paid hit piece against Dana Walden. Oh, it’s a nice one as these things go but the fact that Newsweek felt comfortable saying these things (out loud where people can read them everything), about a major Disney executive means they have cover from someone much bigger.
“Walden’s friendship with Harris could, indeed, make her a target in the new Trump administration,” Fahey said. “I would imagine that Disney’s board will undoubtedly take this potential political friction into account when they are figuring out what to do with Iger’s succession.”
“Disney will need to balance their brand values with the political climate if they’re going to sustain stakeholder trust and keep their brand equity high,” Fahey said. “Maintaining a steady course amid politically charged discussions will be essential to protecting its image on both a national and global stage.”
Meaning Trump is returning to power in two months and may well be feeling vindictive toward Disney. Reedy Creek was allegedly a massively corrupt malfeasance factory, but one that can stand up to Florida-level scrutiny so long as they are playing ball with the state, which they are now. However, a politically motivated federal investigation is not something that Disney can suppress at this point especially as they have no allies at all in the incoming administration.
This means that Disney wants to avoid coming to President Trump’s negative attention any further than it already has. Appointing a woman who is on his shitlist as CEO is not a good way to go about this.
The Dark Herald predicts with confidence, Dana Walden will announce her resignation no later than early 2026.