Oh Thank Glob! I Thought It Was Gonna Suck!

The reviews are in and I’m so relieved to find out that my fears were completely unfounded. and that…
“The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power may not be everything we hoped it would be – how could it? But for now, it’s enough.” NPR
Clearly, a stellar production that will vastly outshine the first season.
Most of the reviews are like this. Just enough praise to qualify as a good review, while at the same time bringing up everything that’s wrong with it in order to maintain what little there remains of a critic’s reputation.
This second season is built on a foundation of quicksand. They keep claiming they’ve returned to the lore but unless they scrap the first season that’s impossible. Everything Galadriel did in the first season was demonstrably evil, and whoever is actually running the show is so amoral he/she/it can’t see it. (BTW: it’s not Payne and MacKay they’re just mouthpieces that are plopped in front of the cameras during promos).
They’ve made it plain they are leaning into shipping hard this season, there will be much more #Saurladriel and worse #Saurobrimbor (after all it’s not Tolkien if you don’t have gay shipping now, is it?).
They’ve already screwed up the origin of the rings, so there’s no taking that back. Ar-Pharazon is never going to be the pride-devoured warrior-king who dared invade the land of the gods. Which is such a pity. Probably the two characters that audiences would find the most riveting are Fëanor and Ar-Pharazon the Golden. They got Pharazon completely wrong, I suppose I should be grateful they left Fëanor off the menu.
Haladriel! This is what AMAZON’S marketing department is going with!!!