Jude Law as Kyle Katarn?

Jude Law as Kyle Katarn?

(Please note the question mark at the end of the title.)

Star Wars Skeleton Crew is being poorly received at LucasFilm.

The only reason we know that is because this leak is from Shill of Shills John Rocha so it’s about as unofficially official as it gets. He would never let something like this out in the wild without permission. If that collegium of dramatic brilliance and taste known as LucasFilm hates this show enough to order that groveling fat-ass Woke-as-fuck-no-matter-what greasy sweat goblin Rocha to spill the beans, it is so their faithful followers (granted there are only a few hundred thousand of them) know that it’s okay to pan this show.

In point of fact, since this is coming from the LucasFilm Story Group, the shills are expected to pan it


The trailer doesn’t look great and I could swear the spikey-headed pirate was killed on season 3 of Mando. So yeah, it’s probably bad.

But, I’m genuinely curious here. It’s not like the LucasFilm Story Group cares about quality or for that matter even recognizes it when they see it. So what are they upset about?

A heroic white male lead probably is enough to set them off. Honestly, when I first saw the trailer my assumption was that he was utterly incompetent and would mostly be there to represent a blithering and ham-handed Jedi patriarchy. He would then be put in his place and made to stay in his lane by a strong woman, played by Kerry Condon (Octavia in Rome).

LucasFilm would never give Rocha permission to pre-trash a project like that. It wouldn’t matter how badly it was done. Remember, they loved The Acolyte and there was almost no part of it that wasn’t drenched with in blithering incompetence.

The timing is about right for this to have been one of the few projects that Bob Chapek greenlit.

I’ve been contacted by a confidential source who is claiming that the reason the LucasFilm Story Group is all kinds of butt hurt is that Jude Law who is publicly credited as “Force User” is playing Kyle Katarn.

The more popular guess is that he’s Valen Halcyon, whose name was repeatedly dropped in the godawful Obi-Wan show. And since the LucasFilm Story Group spends so much of its time smelling its own farts, they could indeed have convinced themselves that Star Wars fans were dying to get a look at this brilliant new creation of theirs.

In that case, why are they pre-trashing the show?

Admittedly, even if Jude Law is playing Kyle Katarn he’ll only be a shadow of himself. Most of his achievements have been carved up and assigned to new characters and there is no real hope that any LucasFilm show will even achieve minimal competence let alone actually feel like Star Wars.

This is from a first-time source, and that is normally enough for me to file this away until the said source has enough of a track record for not being full of shit that I can publically roll the dice on it. And truth be told I only have about 15% confidence in this one.

But they are going way out of their way to keep this character’s name a secret. Indicating that the character is not only already known, but well-known.

We’ll know in a few months either way. If I’ve blown it I’ll own it.

I should have my review of Deadpool & Wolverine up by Monday or Tuesday.

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