Bob Iger Claims We Don’t Know What Woke Means

From Vanity Fair:
“The term woke is thrown around rather liberally,” Iger said. “I think a lot of people don’t really understand what it means.”
I do, Bob! I do!
Shall I tell you what it means? Given that you’ve a got a rich Boomers grasp of the social issues surrounding it, you probably do need some help. It seems like the least I could do after all the low hanging fruit you’ve fed me for years.
Now to be clear, I do realize you are just being intellectually lazy and dishonest but your implied question deserves an answer.
Definition: Woke is a religion of rigid world perspective requiring total ideological conformity, strictly enforced by female bullying.
Male bullying is confrontational. It’s part of a normal childhood. It’s mostly a childish mechanism to get the lowest boys on the social ladder into line to the extent that’s possible. The drive is simple enough, boys are annoying as fuck at the best of times. Just being there is usually enough to trigger it. If there are any long lasting results they are mostly motivational. You want to make a million dollars so you can lord it over the retard. You are spurred on to lift weights and take Jujitsu. You want to get into college and rub your bully’s face in your success. Hopefully you grow enough in the process that the idea seems silly when you get the reunion invite. But here is the big thing, if you get punched by a bully, then you are still you. Your bully doesn’t want to destroy you.
The foundation of Woke is female bullying. When a female bullies someone it is non-confrontational with a view towards utter destruction.
The female bully will completely destroy your reputation and do it in the most underhanded way possible. If they can get you fired they will do it. If she can get your career ruined forever so much the better. If you end up committing suicide, she will smile at her handiwork. She will also claim with complete and total conviction that she was never bullying at all! She’ll believe it too.
Because your destruction was the result of group consensus and not her individual contribution to it.
The non-confrontational nature of Woke bullying was a godsend to the Gamma Males. The closest they ever get to confrontation is to write a shit ton of snarky stuff in a wall of text and then flounce away at the end of it. Female bullying lets them finally get back at their high school tormentors with zero physical risk to themselves.
They also get to indulge their natural penchant for “power-cucking.” Attempting to escape the friendzone by telling women they are perfect and that men are at fault and need to do better. Big surprise, delusional women l–o-o-o-o-v-e being validated. They still won’t find the Gamma attractive but they express joy at their activities because it benefits them, this will get the gammas female attention but not the kind they want, which they mistake for sexual interest. It isn’t but it doesn’t change the fact that Gamma males get a lot out of Woke Bullying.
Wokism targets all of the non-Woke networks the individual Wokite convert is connected to. “Just give me this one rainbow colored brick. That’s all I ask, just this one brick. I swear I won’t ask for another brick and then another until I’ve built a wall”
This has created an environment for marketable female delusion enhancement. Which is why social media went Woke overnight. Female delusion is at the heart of Wokeness, Bob.
Disney has been peddling that for 100 years. I suppose it’s only natural that your company adjust to the market trends.
Do you want to know what the real story of Cinderella is, Bob? The Prince didn’t fall hard for Cinders because she was the most beautiful girl at the ball. There were plenty of girls there that were better at being a professional beauty than she was, they’d been practicing it all their lives. And the Prince was bored to tears with them. What he found so intriguing about Cinderella was her character. She had worked hard everyday from sun up to sun down. She’d been abused but guarded her heart from bitterness. It was her heart that he fell in love with. It was her character that made her his ideal queen.
Maybe it’s better that you don’t know the story, Bob, because Woke Disney would fuck it up completely.