RE:View – John Carpenter’s The Thing 

Who Goes There has the singular distinction of being the only John W. Campbell story to have been made into a film. Twice in point of fact.  While The Thing From Another World is a classic in its own right, it comes nowhere near to what Carpenter delivered for his iteration of the story. The Thing is one of the all-time classics of science fiction horror.  The film started life as one of the last of the old-school movie studio projects. A...


Arktoons Spotlight: Cosmic Horrors

Welcome to the Arktoons Spotlight, a regular feature at the Arkhaven Blog. The Spotlight is where I take a look at one title from the amazing world of Arkhaven’s webtoons.  If you aren’t familiar with Arktoons, this is meant for you.  I am the Dark Herald; I do the blogging here at  The blog is mostly pop culture news, reviews, and opinion, in short, the usual.  And you aren’t here for the blog.  You’re here for the webtoons.    Arkhaven is different from other webtoon publishers.  While...


Trailer Drop Thursday: FX’s Shogun

It is difficult to overstate the cultural significance of the mini-series James Clavell's Shogun. That mini-series was broadcast during a period where the big three networks were it and this big of an event was guaranteed to have viewers in the tens of millions. Shogun served as a primer on Japan for Generation X. We learned a few words, understood a few customs (kind of), and decided that Japan was amazingly super cool. We picked up just enough from that...


Rumor Alert: Robert Downey Returning to Marvel?

This isn't the kind of rumor I'm usually willing to run with. It's getting reported all over the place but goes against my own instincts. Downey probably is willing to come back in some capacity but there is a catch to it. From Bounding Into Comics: This rumor comes in the wake of a previous one from Tatiana Siegel at Variety who claimed, “Sources say there have been talks to bring back the original gang for an Avengers movie. This would include...


Pride Goeth Before a Destruction

Only a very stupid person would think that Bob Iger was stupid. My current project is a history of the collapse of The Walt Disney Company for Castalia House. Consequently, I've been trying to learn everything I can about Robert Iger. He is in truth, a very smart man. However, he is also an extremely haughty man. He overrates his wins and dismisses his failures. Iger accumulated a number of useful business life lessons over the course...


Cheap Thrills: The Audio Drama Edition

  Where has the audience gone? That is the increasingly terrified cry in Hollywood.  In past times, if one form of media lost customers, you didn’t have too much trouble figuring out where they went. Which was to another form of media.  In the nineteen-twenties radio bit in to publishing.   In the fifties box-office receipts for weeknight showings, dropped severely, while the number of TVs in homes increased.  CD sales fell through the basement at the same time that iPods started appearing under Christmas trees.  DVD sales...


Doctor Who’s Best Horror Episodes

I hadn’t really planned to have a Halloween theme this year, it just sort of happened but since I’ve been leaning so heavily into British Sci-Fi Horror, I would be remise in duties as an internet hack if I didn’t pick the lowest hanging fruit available.  For thousands of years The Doctor, a judgmental emo-Mister Spock has sailed across all of time and space in a particularly British peculiarity.  He constantly weighs the human race and always finds us wanting but...


Arktoons Spotlight: Halloween Special #5

Welcome to the Arktoons Spotlight, a regular feature at the Arkhaven Blog. The Spotlight is where I take a look at one title from the amazing world of Arkhaven’s webtoons.  If you aren’t familiar with Arktoons, this is meant for you.  I am the Dark Herald; I do the blogging here at  The blog is mostly pop culture news, reviews, and opinion, in short, the usual.  And you aren’t here for the blog.  You’re here for the webtoons.    Arkhaven is different from other webtoon publishers.  While...


Interview: Alexander Macris

BUMPED 10/25/23: Alexander Marcris' long-awaited kickstarter for his Adventurer Conqueror King II and it has completely blown the doors off. It is currently sitting at FOUR times its goal. Last year I did an interview with Alexander Macris. We covered a variety of his projects to include the first ACK system Here it is: ******** Yes, I’m pretending to be a reporter today.   Not. A. Journalist. A reporter, there’s a difference in my mind. My introduction to Alexander Macris was rather...