Things Were So Much Worse on the Set of Rust Than I Thought

(BUMPED: Jan 19, 2023)There is nothing more dangerous than an unloaded gun.That was driven home to me when I was on weekend duty at battalion HQ and a report came in that one of the married Marines had committed suicide off base.  It turned out that he had shot himself in the brain because he had been playing with a pistol that he knew was “unloaded.”  As a joke, he had put it to his temple and pulled the trigger.  Death by Darwin...


The Disney Proxy War Begins Again

Looks like I was wrong about the reason Chapek was fired.In fairness to me, I wasn’t the only one making guesses about FTX.  It was the only information that was openly available at the time. Although, it’s possible that there might have been something related to that exchange crash after all.  Regardless, it appears that Iger had been actively plotting Chapek’s downfall from the day he was forced to step down as CEO in February of 2020.I found out he never moved...


I’m Finally Curious About Star Wars Again What was that again Carl?Star Wars...MULTI-VERSE???Admittedly this might just be an old actor using what he thinks is the hip new lingo that is totes fire. On the other hand, he does work for Jon Favereau and there may be some plans that are already being discussed openly about a post-Kennedy Star Wars.The thing you have to remember about Disney is that they will give up nothing. No Disney owned IP will ever be completely abandoned (Song of the...


The Dark Herald Recommends: Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated

(On the off chance that being reminded of the existence of Scooby-Doo has you interested in actually watching a modern comedy that is based on affection and not the perverted ramblings of a woman whose hatred of something as innocent as a seventies kid show has lead her to try to poison as many memories of it as she can reach, I dragged up this review from my old blog.)Scooby Doo Mystery Inc. season 1, was a $5 clearance bin find,...


First Impressions: Velma 

Well, this is some low-hanging fruit.  I mean it's so low it’s been sitting on the ground for three weeks.This is not a review proper because I haven’t seen the entire first season and I am absolutely not going to do that.  I am out as of now.  One episode was all I could manage, and I had to stop frequently. I am quite serious when I say I had to do this one in five-minute chunks.  It was that bad.Anybody remember I Am...


Rebooting Superman

NOT THIS WAYNEVER THIS WAY!!!He’s due to go into the public domain in about eleven years.  I should make a few notes now.First, update his job.  In 1937 reporters were a very blue-collar job and were fitting for a farm boy who went to a Moo-U.  Today, reporters are journalists and are very white-collar.  That’s fine for Lois Lane but it undermines Clark Kent’s character, he’s the kind of guy whose favorite food is his Mom grilled cheese sandwiches and his Dad’s chili.  He has...


The Passion of the Christ is Gettin a Sequel

No, I'm not joking. This is real.This is happening.Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel are signed and Google is suddenly calling the Passion of the Christ a film series.I suspect interest was revived when Top Gun and Avatar both films thought to be dead franchises came roaring back to life in 2022. Remember folks, money cures all in Tinsel Town.Discuss on Social Galactic


Susan Arnold FIRED as Chairman of the Board at Disney

Oh, she’s been fired in a much nicer way than Bob Chapek was.  But make no mistake she has been shitcanned. This is not a retirement.All of the Hollywood trade rags wrote basically the same article which tells you right there that Disney public affairs wrote it.The articles all say that Susan reached the maximum governance limit of fifteen years as a member of Disney’s board and therefore had to step down.  Really? How long was Bob Iger on the board? ...


Top 5 Discworld Screen Adaptations

"Didactylos shrugged. "The Turtle exists. The world is a flat disc. The sun turns round it once every day, dragging its light behind it. And this will go on happening, whether you believe it is true or not. It is real. I don't know about truth. Truth is a lot more complicated than that. I don't think the Turtle gives a bugger whether it's true or not, to tell you the truth.” The Turtle in question's name is The Great...