Yearly Archives - 2023

HardDrive-By: Ion Fury

When I first saw it, I tried to remember when I had first seen it and I couldn’t.  Because I hadn’t. Ion Fury is two things that should NOT exist this deep into the 21st century.  A new game built on the 1990s era Build engine and a good old fashioned Doom clone. For those who would like a gentle reminder, the first wave of Doom clones were the actual authentic Doom clones, which is to say they were built on the Doom engine licensed...


Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser On Life Support

Newly re-enthroned CEO Bob Iger visited Disney World last week.  This really doesn’t happen too often.  Disney is headquartered in Burbank, which means it’s not only a cross country flight but it’s trip deep into the heart of redness.  As I have stated before, while Disney Burbank executives discuss what Rachel Madow had to say last night around the water cooler, WDW chieftains chat about Tucker Carlson over beer.  These two parts of Disney h-a-t-e each other. None the less, Iger felt compelled to put on his...


Amazon Runs “The Future of Comic Books” Into the Ground

Yeah, it sure was. Comixology was always a bad idea. Although, it was an understandable one. It started life in 2007 as a fansite, it had articles on shared interests, upcoming issues, cover art and artists, in short it was fulfilling the functions that old Wizard Magazine used to provide.  It also had tools for brick and mortar comics shops.   Finally it launched an online comic book reader. In 2013 Amazon tried to get into comic books by publishing their own line called...


Splash Mountain’s Last Day

That isn't a line, it's a flash mob. Disney is being both craven and stupid at the same time. Stunning, I know. Yes, Splash Mountain needed a refurb. The animatronics were originally built for the old bicentennial show, America Sings and they are completely worn out. But the decision to replace Brer Rabbit and Brer Fox with Tianna and company is a retarded one. Generation X is the last generation with any kind of memory of Song of the South and for...


Blogs and Ends: Friday Night Drive-by 1/20/23

FIRST Why I’m Not Reviewing The Last of Us TV Show I could end this sub-post with one sentence. “Because I know what happens to Joel.”   Honestly, there is more than one reason.  I’m not really into zombie TV shows. The movies are okay, but zombie TV shows lean heavily into hopelessness, despair, and nihilism.  It’s all doom and gloom for the span of the entire series and nothing is well thought out.  Everybody is getting around in cars years after the event even though gasoline has...


FLASH Alec Baldwin Charged with Involuntary Manslaughter

From Deadline: "Alec Baldwin and armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed will face criminal charges for the October 21, 2021 fatal shooting of Rust cinematographer Halyna Hutchins, the Santa Fe District Attorney said this morning. Close to 16 months after Baldwin took the life of Hutchins and wounded the movie’s director Joel Souza with a loaded gun on the set of indie western Rust, New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies today has finally unveiled her decision as to who should be charged and not charged in...


Things Were So Much Worse on the Set of Rust Than I Thought

(BUMPED: Jan 19, 2023) There is nothing more dangerous than an unloaded gun. That was driven home to me when I was on weekend duty at battalion HQ and a report came in that one of the married Marines had committed suicide off base.  It turned out that he had shot himself in the brain because he had been playing with a pistol that he knew was “unloaded.”  As a joke, he had put it to his temple and pulled the trigger.  Death by Darwin...


The Disney Proxy War Begins Again

Looks like I was wrong about the reason Chapek was fired. In fairness to me, I wasn’t the only one making guesses about FTX.  It was the only information that was openly available at the time. Although, it’s possible that there might have been something related to that exchange crash after all.   Regardless, it appears that Iger had been actively plotting Chapek’s downfall from the day he was forced to step down as CEO in February of 2020. I found out he never moved...


I’m Finally Curious About Star Wars Again What was that again Carl? Star Wars...MULTI-VERSE??? Admittedly this might just be an old actor using what he thinks is the hip new lingo that is totes fire. On the other hand, he does work for Jon Favereau and there may be some plans that are already being discussed openly about a post-Kennedy Star Wars. The thing you have to remember about Disney is that they will give up nothing. No Disney owned IP will ever be completely abandoned (Song of the...