Bob Iger Says He Will Quiet the Culture War
Here he is saying it in the National Review, so you know it has to be true.

If you will note the date on that article was November 29 of last year right after he got Chapek fired.
And right before he began his war with Ron DeSantis.
And made statements about the moral need for gun control.
And agreed to let Disney World host the world’s largest LGBTQ action conference.
And somehow convinced the totally impartial Reedy Creek Improvement District on it’s last day in existence to hand over all of it’s government powers to The Walt Disney Company in defiance of Florida Law.
And said, “Does Florida want our tax money or not?”
And demolished Splash Mountain without sending any of it’s props or animatronics to the Archive.
And claimed that exposing children to the gay and Trans agenda was the equivalent of the Civil Rights movement. And stopping the Holocaust.
And hired men to wear dresses as greeters at the Bibbidi Bobbidi boutique.
Here is the article from Sept 20th of this year.

Same writer, and same picture.
The simple truth is that the Walt Disney Company is completely ideologically captured and Bob Iger oversaw this surrender. For years Disney has been hiring people based solely on their connections with the Democratic Party or their dedication to leftist activism. It has pursued film and TV projects that attempted to normalize gay families and pushed historical revisionist messages. All of this was pursued very much at the expense of Disney’s shareholders.
Given how far to the left Disney has lurched I honestly don’t think it can be brought back to the center by its 72-year-old CEO for one simple reason. This new generation of Disney employee activists simply cannot control themselves.