Arkhaven Spotlight: Full Strike

Welcome to the Arktoons Spotlight, a regular feature at the Arkhaven Blog. The Spotlight is where I take a look at one title from the amazing world of Arkhaven’s webtoons.
If you aren’t familiar with Arktoons, this is meant for you. I am the Dark Herald; I do the blogging here at The blog is mostly pop culture news, reviews, and opinion, in short, the usual.
And you aren’t here for the blog. You’re here for the webtoons.
Arkhaven is different from other webtoons publishers. While we have the kind of webtoons you would expect, like Chateau Grief we also have works that are more like traditional comics, if you grew up reading comic books in pamphlet format, you’ll feel more at home here than you would at say or
So, if you are new here, be welcome.
Tragedy, Monday. Comedy, tonight. With a little manga thrown in.
This webtoon is in the tradition of classic manga, it boldly uses dynamic scenes of action in black and white to add stark vivacity to its subject. It also has a lot of over-the-top humor. The manga-ka knows how to maintain a balance of tones between the comedy and frenetic violence that manages to not cross the line into being too much action to be funny. It knows what it wants to be and clearly enjoys becoming that thing.
Meet Duster Fullstrike, an up-and-coming superhero faced with the first problem associated with any expanding business, namely staffing. The paperwork is starting to get in the way of superheroing. He needs an administrative assistant, (ie a secretary).

FULLSTRIKE! — Duster Fullstrike is the master of The Explosive Punch. He’ll take on any dangerous job, so long as you can pay him with a secret technique.
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