Ms. Marvel Lives!!!

Yeah, shocking I know. A Marvel character that was just killed off will be resurrected before her $250 million (allegedly) budget movie comes out.
It’s not why this is happening that’s important, that is pretty much self-evident, there’s a movie coming out that Marvel is hoping won’t bomb. So I’ll take a quick look at how her raise-dead spell was performed.
Marvel Studios is finally after five years trying to incorporate some of the characters they picked up from the Fox buyout. There’s no question that X-Men has traditionally been a much better-selling title than The Avengers.
But there is a major problem with it. X-Men has Men in the title and Marvel Studios is incredibly retarded about that these days. Despite the fact that it is probably the best-selling brand that Marvel Studios has clear rights to, they are going to cobweb the golden X-Men name in favor of The New Mutants.
Can we just for a moment reflect upon the fact that the concept of the “Mutant” is way past its sell-by date? Back in the Sixties and maybe the Seventies the concept of evolution pushing humanity to something more advanced was still in play. That was the reason that Superman was called “The Man of Tomorrow.” When Siegal and Schuster first cobbled him together from various pulp-related parts, he was more of a Übermensch than an alien (the irony of Siegal and Schuster backing that pony is not lost on me). The Kryptonions initially weren’t superpowered because of their heavy gravity and red sun, it was because they were the final end product of evolution. And all of them had superpowers back on Krypton.

Consequently, mutation being intrinsically tied to the theory of Natural Selection pushing humanity forward meant that whatever the mutation was, it would create something more “advanced.” this concept still had pop cultural viability. It was still sort of what everyone believed in the backs of their minds.
And while Natural Selection is still taught in schools it’s been questioned enough that the underlying premise of mutation granting superpowers is no longer generally accepted in pop culture. The current view is that you are more likely to have your teeth fall out and die before puberty.
Neither of which are acceptable superpowers.
Marvel Studios going with the mutants brand demonstrates a profound lack of creativity on the part of their “creatives.”
The really silly part is that they already had (accidentally) handed themselves something a little better.
Consider, the people that came back from the Snap have already been portrayed as generally resented. This was actually the most realistic thing they’ve done with that concept so far. One day half the human race vanishes. I’ve speculated on how pretty much everything would have fallen apart afterward in the Oddessy of Medium Bob.
After five years everyone had moved on with their lives. Memorials erected, inheritances distributed, society and civilization rebuilt. Survivors would likely have married each other and started new families.
Then they all came back.
Assuming there had been mass starvation from the Snap; everyone might have been in the habit of hoarding food, so the population of the Earth suddenly increasing by 100% might be tolerable.
But what happens when the Returned find out their spouses have had kids by someone else? Hell, even the people that didn’t remarry had spent five years being traumatized. You just aren’t the same person after something like that, you’re suddenly married to a stranger. Imagine a feminist man and wife (or something) the feminist man comes back and finds a wife who has been living a Road Warrior existence for five years. She’s not going to have a lot of use for her man-bun-wearing Soy Boy anymore.
People who inherited are suddenly having those inheritances challenged. A Remainer is being forced out of his mansion by a Returner, but where does he go? Because he got rid of all of his old stuff to include house, car, and career.
People would be looking for a reason to hate the Returned, it’s just human nature. And Marvel Studios has neglected to have any of them have memories of the After Life. 4 billion people dead for five years and none of them remembers heaven or hell. Yeah, I know it’s because the writers are Los Angeles atheists but work with me here, this is the setup I’ve been given.
Quite a few of the Remainers would understandably start saying that those who returned weren’t the same people who were Snapped. That these are soulless duplicates. Fake people. Monstrous doppelgängers forced onto our world and into the lives of the Remainers.
The graffiti would start appearing on walls shortly; “The X Men walk among us”
When they start developing strange powers the othering would be complete. The fact that they were brought back by the Infinity Stones provides the bullshit, parascience reason for the superpowers. Those things are unbelievably powerful, it’s not that far-fetched to think some part of them lingered when the so-called X-Men were created. It’s a better explanation than mutation anyway.
Regardless, Marvel is going with Mutants and Kamala Khan is now going to be one of them.
As for her method of resurrection? She’ll be a pod person.
That’s basically it.
Professor X has put together this resurrection assembly line where he puts a copy of the minds of all the mutants into Cerebro, and then a team of 5 mutants (I don’t care who) create a new body for the slain mutant. Finally, Xavier downloads the backup copy into the new pod person mutant. This service is available only, and I do mean only to mutants.
Unless they want it to be somebody else.
Look, I don’t claim to be any kind of Islamic scholar but I’m pretty sure the local imam wouldn’t be all that cool with the new and improved KK. Not that that matters to the people at Marvel; I mean do you really care about your pet’s opinions? Then why should they?
Speaking of SJW pets, Ms. Marvel’s actress, Iman Velini is going to be co-writing this comic book.
Don’t laugh, Velini is a waaaaaay bigger comic book fan than anyone who has been hired by Marvel for the past ten years.