Oh, That’s Sad

Let me state up front that I’m absolutely not into reality shows. I loath the concept of getting a bunch of people together so they can backstab each other. I don’t like the fake drama and I intensely dislike the people who willingly show up for these things.
However, Fox’s new show, Stars on Mars kind of piqued my curiosity.
It’s a reality show where the contestants are simulating life on a Mars colony. Basically, it’s Andy Weir’s The Martian but with a live cast.
The concept initially struck me was interesting.
Okay let’s say the scenario is that you have a group of Astronauts marooned on Mars because their return rocket failed. They have limited supplies, they will be faced with “problems” they have to think their way around and basically “science the shit” of. None the less they have to vote off one member of the crew each week because of the supply situation. That could have worked.
There was potentially something to be had with this idea.
Except the Mars colony is populated exclusively by retards.
As usual, it’s the same group of D-lister has-beens and never-weres you find in any “celebrity” reality show. These are the kind of people that can not deal with life without a script.
One actress named Aerial Winter, (she was on a sitcom I never watched) was deeply intimidated because the cast of the show has a real life Astronaut in it.
“Lance Armstrong is a real frickin’ astronaut. He is a real astronaut. He is Lance Armstrong. You need to Google him.”
And yes Astronaut Lance Armstrong is indeed in the cast.
(*long tired sigh*)
Okay, I’m done here.