Arkhaven Spotlight: Hammer of Freedom 2

It’s really kind of pathetic, the sorts of arguments you get from the gun control crowd. It’s not just that they’re fundamentally brainless, it’s that they have never once changed.
I’ve been running into the same arguments since I was in college in the 1980s. It’s a little hard to pick one of their arguments and say that’s the dumbest one but for (dear lord) better than thirty years the most reliably dim is declaring that gun control will work just fine in America because it works great in Japan/Sweden/Norway/France so it will clearly work just as well in America.
Forgive me for stating the fucking obvious, but America’s history doesn’t remotely resemble that of Japan/Sweden/Norway/France.
My country’s history is a lot closer to that of Brazil’s. And by the damn way, how does America’s violent crime rate stack up against that?
The similarities in history between America and Brazil means something else.
Whatever social problem lands on Brazil eventually lands on America.
This is why Brazilian powerhouse publisher Super Prumo’s titles like The Awakener and Hammer of Freedom have seemed more like prophecy than just comic books. It’s what was going on outside their windows at the time.
Speaking of Super Prumo:
After a well earned break, Luciano Cunha’s unstoppable old man returns to Arktoons in Hammer of Freedom 2.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified. Every book has been rewritten. Every picture has been repainted. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present and there is nothing that stands against the end of history and the enslavement of Man. Except The Hammer of Freedom!”