We Have A Contender for Worst Fight Scene of the Year

We Have A Contender for Worst Fight Scene of the Year

Marvel knows they’ve got a bomb in the making with this one. According to sources I trust, Marvel tried to cancel Echo but due to international contract commitments they couldn’t.

Consequently, they went with the stand Hollywood practice of dumping a failed project that they have to show in the month of January. Normally this is a rather sound approach, although if they’d launched it all at once at the end of December Aquaman 2 and Rebel Moon would have completely buried it. I know I wouldn’t have had time to take notice of it.

But I do now.

Echo is yet another reimagined Marvel superhero for a modern audience. She’s a Native
American, deaf, amputee and I’m not joking.

The Echo from the comics is a good guy version of the Task Master. She can learn any fighting technique she encounters instantly. This one on the other hand calls upon the knowledge of her ancestors. Which is super handy if she needs to hunt a buffalo, shoot a bow, or hurl a tomahawk. It’s not so great if you need to fight a martial arts master who can detect an opponent in 360 degrees like Daredevil.

They released this clip as a promo. The Marvel Stans are trying desperately to shill for this like there is no tomorrow, but this fight is CRAP.

Just as a baseline, here is what a good fight scene looks like from The Raid II.

Damn it.

Okay, here’s the fight scene from the Netflix version of Daredevil. And it’s more applicable because this is what Disney Marvel is trying to base their new fight scene on. 

Note the physical contact between the actors. Notice how it’s actually pretty exciting and you aren’t laughing at all?

Disney Marvel wants to this to make you think of that scene but what it mostly does is remind you of what was possible only eight years ago but sure as fuck isn’t now.

Here is the promotional clip with color commentary.

This “fight scene” has so many airballs it looks like they are fanning each other. At one point Echo breakdances and at another Daredevil turns his back on her and walks away as if he wants out of this series and his humiliating Marvel contract.

There’s more ahead.

I’m done here for now.

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