Super Bowl 2023 Movie Trailers

Not all of the trailers. Just four. These are the only ones that I have to see for the Arkhaven Blog, and truthfully only have to see three of them but I’m geuninely interested in the first one. Regardless, the intriguing factor of these trailers for me is the number of views in the first 24 hours. It’s not a perfect measure of audience interest to be sure, but it does give you an idea of what movie has more than passing interest for general audiences.
People cared enough to hunt it down on YouTube and hit play, indicating they are open to the idea of seeing it.
View count: 343,000
I think this is a decent baseline. The film is based on that rarest of things in Hollywood, an original script.
It is clearly a popcorn burner but stars a known actor in Adam Driver. He does have a fan base and can move a few tickets. 343 K isn’t terrible for something people just heard about for the first time.
NEXT Guardians of the Galaxy 3
View out 7 Million + (as of this writing but it will hopelessly out of date within hours).
That is excellent velocity for the only Marvel film I’ve actually looked forward to seeing since Infinity War was launched.
This also the only Marvel film with a drop of testosterone to be found anywhere near it in all that time. It is Marvel’s only healthy franchise. And it is about to end.
There was northing overtly promising the humiliation of Quill, but it is Marvel. Regardless this looks like the end of the series as is. Now that Iger is back in the saddle, I expect there to be femalecentric Woke replacement, especially as Gunn is out of the picture.
Still that is what’s to come, this one looks ok.
NEXT The Flash
5.1 Million.
The velocity on this one has been surprising, considering how bad the DC universe has done on film for last 5 years. Although, morbid curiosity about this flick is quite understandable. Never in the age of the internet has an actor self-destructed as spectacularly has Ezra Miller. In the old days, Variety and the Hollywood Reporter would coverup and or sanitize the antics of a lunatic like Miller. Today it’s impossible.
The biggest surprise is that Ben Affleck is still in it. I thought he’d be gone too.
As we all know this is a tangential version of Flashpoint.
Latina Supergirl is in this and they are making a biggish deal about it. I don’t know why because it has already been made clear that that is an evolutionary dead-end for DC.
Its biggest selling point is Micheal Keaton’s return to Batman and Warner Brother’s knows it. Michael Keaton’s Batman is the only reason people are clicking on play on this trailer. Hell, it’s the only reason you’re about to mash Play.
We also get to see the evolutionary dead end of Sasha Calle’s Latinx Supergirl. Her presence however, mostly serves as a bitter reminder of Henry Cavill’s complete absence. While he did shoot some footage for The Flash, it hasn’t been seen in any of the previews and he isn’t listed in the credits.
Gal Gadot didn’t made an appearance, neither did Saoirse-Monica Jackson, who is supposedly playing some variant of Wonder Woman, she is listed in the credits but is uncredited with a role, meaning they are still trying to keep it secret.
I doubt if I’d being seeing this flick if I didn’t have to.
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Views 523,000
O-U-C-H! That is number is absolutely terrible.
A well established, 40 year old franchise with a known actor who created the role and it only racked up a half million in the first 24 hours? I guarantee you that emergency meetings are being held at Fort Mickey over this minimal audience interest. Compare it to the views for 65, a movie no one had freaking heard of before the Super Bowl and people have known this picture has been coming for years.
Chapek made a huge mistake when he didn’t nuke this film after Harrison Ford ripped up his shoulder during the initial shooting. Supposedly, (and I’m taking this with a salt mine of salt) Kathleen Kennedy was going to politely leave LucasFilm after having finally had a huge (and face saving) win with Indiana Jones V. Well, she isn’t going to have a success which calls into question whether she is going to quit or not.
Given that the budget ballooned to an insane $350 million, it would have to reach $700 million to cover the production costs but then it would need at least another $300 million to cover marketing. Meaning it would absolutely have to cross the $1 billion mark before it makes a profit.
There is no way in hell it will cross that magic border between success and failure. This project was doomed from the start. As I have said repeatedly, Indiana Jones is a Gary Stu. Men don’t want to watch Indiana Jones they want to BE Indiana Jones. However, they want to be 35 year old, in his prime Indiana Jones that don’t want to be old as fuck Indy.
Kathleen Kennedy appears to be George Lucas’ carefully selected instrument of revenge on Bob Iger.
Regardless, here’s the trailer.
Look at it.
In case you are wondering, yeah, Disney disabled the Dislike button on this one