Monthly Archives - August 2022

Avoid Like the Plague: 1UP

Vaevictis eSports is a legend in the world of competitive professional esports.  They are unquestionably the worst team of all time.  They hold the record in everything from lowest score in a professional game, to quickest defeat, and thanks to Riot Games giving them way too many chances, the longest losing streak in pro gaming history.  No one will ever beat their records because no one is allowed to. Any other team would have been banned for trolling before they were allowed to...


Ezra Miller is S-S-O-R-R-R-R-Y

If he gets really desperate he'll "find Jesus." For all that it matters here is Miller’s statement: “Having recently gone through a time of intense crisis, I now understand that I am suffering complex mental health issues and have begun ongoing treatment,” Miller says. “I want to apologize to everyone that I have alarmed and upset with my past behavior. I am committed to doing the necessary work to get back to a healthy, safe and productive stage in my life.” The Dark...


The Dark Herald Recommends: Prey

Well, it isn’t the worst Predator movie. I have to give it that. I had to wait a little bit before doing this write-up.  The reason for the delay was figuring out where this one falls in the franchise’s best of all time lineup.  It genuinely does give Predator II a run for its money, and surpasses it in quite a few places but at the end of the day, I have to award this movie third place. I was honestly expecting it to be...


RE:View – Predator

REPOST: I'm doing a Recommends on Prey tomorrow so I figured I needed to bump this one up. On April 30th, 1975 Saigon fell to North Vietnam. The pictures of Americans being evacuated from the roof of the embassy couldn’t have been a clearer image of defeat for the United States of America.  This was as close as America ever got to what France must have gone through in the Franco-Prussian war. Disgrace of arms.  The men who had been junior officers in...


The Dragon Awards Are Dead 

The Dragon Awards began as a rebellion against the Wokelings that ran the Hugo awards into the ground.  The Dragon Awards is now the property of the Wokelings that ran the Hugos into the ground.  That is because the methodology used to award a Dragon is in a word: Crap.  There is more to it but we will look at the methodology first. This simple popularity contest favors people who either have a large enough fanbase to swing the needle OR a bunch...


Warner Brothers Commits to Ezra Miller

According to the Hollywood Reporter, (and they would never publish this without studio approval) reshooting the Flash movie with another actor is off the table.  It will either be launched or scrapped and that is it.   At this point, it is now clear that this movie will be released next summer unless Ezra Miller is reliably accused of cannibalism. With photographs.   I just found out that Miller has been doing reshoots for the Flash over the summer.  This absolutely means that David Zaslav is...


First Impressions: Netflix’s Sandman

Netflix’s adaption of Neil Gaiman’s has finally dropped on Netflix.  Sandman was the comic book that put Gaiman on the map as a writer.  It did so well that DC started its Vertigo line of adult-oriented comic books in the Nineties.  It isn’t hard to make the argument that Sandman led to the 1990s revival of comic book shops after the eighties crash.   The original series ran from 1988-1996.  Its graphic novels routinely hit the New York Times Bestseller’s list and it had numerous spinoff...


The Coming Streaming Collapse

Streaming has become a bubble economy.  And bubbles always go pop. The Warner Brother’s Discovery quarterly earnings report was, believe it or not, interesting.  In places anyway. The biggest place was reserved for WBD CEO David Zaslav’s little speech where he demolished the entire business model for the 2022 entertainment industry. The Unfallen Darklings who read this blog on the regular know all about my spiel on studios chasing the Twenty Billion Dollar Dragon, so skip the next couple of paragraphs.   A few years ago, the...