Friday Night Open Thread

You know the rules.
Don’t break them.
Something for Markku
Tom Holland is to be the new Ironman.
Sort of.
What I mean by that is he (according to some very reliable sources) is about to become the new face of the MCU. A job that Kevin Feige had sworn to himself was going to belong to Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel. Mostly because he had convinced himself that after the successes of Black Panther and Guardians of the Galaxy he was Hollywood Space Jesus and that he could miracle anything into a monster hit.
There is plenty of evidence that Captain Marvel’s box office was HEAVILY fortified. The promotional videos of Larson with her fellow cast members from Infinity War made it hilariously obvious that they couldn’t stand to be in the same room with her. A sentiment that pretty much everyone could understand as her personality is the equivalent of being dragged across a cheese grater, for twenty miles.
Captain Marvel was badly written but that had nothing on its star’s abrasively entitled personality. Brie Larson has been demoted from starring in her own sequel.
The simple truth was Marvel needed a replacement for Robert Downey and Feige has had the very painful lesson pounded through his head that he doesn’t get to decide what the audience will decide is popular.
With a box office gross of $1.7 billion (even with a lot of theater shutdowns), Tom Holland’s Spiderman is currently the most popular superhero on Earth.
And sadly, Disney doesn’t own him. Tom Holland’s Spiderman is currently licensed to Sony and will be for the foreseeable future.
Despite Holland’s reluctance… Okay, feigned reluctance to keep playing Peter Parker, it would appear that amounts of money so vast that they had to be approved by the boards of directors of two major corporations proved to be enough to make him go back to the web mines for another nine movies.
That is the fairly reliable rumor anyway. Reportedly three films that are Spiderman titles (those are Sony’s) and six appearances in Disney/Marvel pictures. The rumors diverge on the six movies for Disney, whether they are all major appearances or if they are a mix of major and minor appearances. But given the number of them, it would appear that Ironman’s sidekick is all grown up now and ready to be the new captain of the MCU.
Not a decision Feige would have willingly made, I suspect that given his lack of involvement with the Book of Boba Fett, this may well have been what was keeping John Favreau so occupied.
It isn’t all good news, given that Tom Holland is still banging Zendaya, we will be stuck with her Mary Jane for another decade.
Damn it.