In Case You Are Wondering, What Happened to Science?

"I have great hopes that we shall learn in due time how to emotionalise and mythologise their science to such an extent that what is, in effect, a belief in us (though not under that name) will creep in while the human mind remains closed to belief in the Enemy. The ‘Life Force’, the worship of sex, and some aspects of Psychoanalysis, may here prove useful. If once we can produce our perfect work—the Materialist Magician, the man, not using,...


Why Kathleen Kennedy’s Contract Was Renewed

Under normal circumstances, the one-two punch of The Last Jedi and Solo would have sunk any executive's career. When John Carter failed at the box office, Iger fired the president of Disney Films. The guy who is above Kevin Feige and Kathleen Kennedy.However, the years of their releases changed things. Last Jedi came out in 2017, Solo in 2018. The films' performances were irrelevant. They both became inextricably tied to the #Resistance against the Orange...


It Looks Like I Was Right

Inside the Magic is reporting that Kathleen Kennedy's contract has been quietly extended.Inside the Magic (more commonly called Inside the Tragic) isn't just a shill site for Disney. They are an ironclad (4 feet thick) Disney shill site. There is no way in hell that Inside the Tragic would go with a story like this without the express permission of Disney. They just wouldn't do it. Their entire livelihood depends on their good relationship with...


I Have Lost Something

This is more of a discussion than a review or recommendation.Consequently, I will make no effort whatsoever to avoid spoilers.You.Have.Been. Warned.************************SPOILERS*****************Busy weekend for Dwayne Johnson. He had Jungle Cruise drop to standard subscriber tier on Disney Plus and Red Notice launch on Netflix.First up, Jungle Cruise.Whether or not you’ve already seen this movie, you’ve already seen this movie.  It’s Brenden Frasier’s version of the Mummy from twenty years ago.  For that matter, it’s also Romancing the Stone from forty years ago (ouch).Woman Adventurer,...


Chinballs Scorched Earth Doctor Who

Chris Chibnall is building a tribute to all Gamma Malekind with the 13th season of Doctor Who.  He would appear to be privately furious about being fired from the job he’s wanted since high school and is determined to leave Russel T. Davies with nothing but smoking ruins.There was a stream of leaks not too long ago that looked incomprehensibly ridiculous when they first hit the internet.  But one of these leaks has proven to be true.  And frankly, the Timeless Child looked to...


Did Feige Get the Stallone Treatment?

I think there is no question he did. But the big question is was it deliberate?For those who don't know what the Stallone Treatment is. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone had a feud going in the 1980s back when they were fighting it out for the title of King of the Blast Flicks. They officially kissed and made up but the underlying rivalry was still very much there, but they were pretending to be friendly in the...


Disney Plus Fails to Meet Wallstreet Expectations

Terrible earnings call for Bob Chapek today.The growth of Disney Plus is tortoise-like and it's all in the wrong markets. Disney Plus needs to get subs in the West where they can charge decent prices that will actually turn the company a profit. Instead, the only place anyone is signing up is in India, where the business model is dependent on low prices with mass subscriptions. I asked a friend who still has a free year left...


Rogue Squadron Shelved “Indefinitely”

The official statement is that Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkin’s pet Star Wars film, Rogue Squadron has been delayed without a projected start date.  That usually translates from the Hollywoodese as ‘it's canceled but we don’t want to say it's canceled.’It is supposedly being pushed back a year but here is the kill quote from Hollywood Reporter, “The hope is that once Jenkins’ fulfills her previous commitments, she will be able to return to the project.”Which wouldn’t be able to start until...