Chinballs Scorched Earth Doctor Who

Chinballs Scorched Earth Doctor Who

Chris Chibnall is building a tribute to all Gamma Malekind with the 13th season of Doctor Who.  He would appear to be privately furious about being fired from the job he’s wanted since high school and is determined to leave Russel T. Davies with nothing but smoking ruins.

There was a stream of leaks not too long ago that looked incomprehensibly ridiculous when they first hit the internet.  But one of these leaks has proven to be true.  And frankly, the Timeless Child looked to be every bit as insane when those leaks first sprung up, so yeah, maybe.

1. All of time comes from a planet named Time. (This one was so stupid I stopped reading this list when it first appeared, but the planet Time showed up in the last episode).

2. Episode 6 cliffhanger Davros in the Tardis console room asking the doctor to kill all the Daleks.

3. The Division was established to ensure the secrecy of the Timeless Child and her relationship with the Forbidden Realm, so the Time Lords imprisoned the Forbidden Realm’s leader using his own technology but then he gets out and brings the flux to the universe the timeless child resides in. 

4. The weeping angels are from the Forbidden Realm and are controlled by the Swarm. The Swarm is an interdimensional being who uses the flux to destroy swarm universes which he uses to harvest time energy to survive hence his name. His official title the Icon.  The Doctor is his offspring, but she chose a different path and birthed regeneration energy into our universe instead of swarm energy flux.

5. In the finale, series 13 ends with the Doctor going to ancient Gallifrey and teaming up with Ruth (The Black woman Doctor). The Swarm compares creation to a chessboard where weeping angels are pawns to gather energy and he and his sister are king and queen.

6. Chibnall is fighting to have Jodie Whitaker die without revealing who the new Who will be.

(If I was Davies, I’d let him have this last point.  So much easier to pretend none of it ever happened that way.)

It’s the scope of the vengeful incompetence that is truly impressive.   There is an ambition to this idiocy rarely seen. IF TRUE (and I really don’t know whether it is or not) it is the ultimate Gamma Male Wall of Text.

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