Chasing the Twenty Billion Dollar Dragon

About once a decade, some star-struck CEO gets huge, Scrooge McDuck dollar signs in his eyes when he sees how much money Hollywood claims it’s making. Despite the fact, their corporation is no conceivable way an entertainment company, the aforementioned CEO picks off a studio. And right on cue, Hollywood proceeds to treat him like a barefoot hayseed who fell off the turnip truck in the middle of Times Square.  It’s never pretty and it always ends in tears. In the Sixties, it was Gulf...


Is Bob Iger Finally Out?

Everybody keeps asking if Kathleen Kennedy is out, but the fact is, she isn’t the important one.   Bob Iger is the one who transformed the middle-class-family-friendly Walt Disney Entertainment Company into the Woke world consuming void monster; Mickey the Great and Terrible.  He’s the one that diluted the Disney brand by buying up IPs left and right no matter if they fit with Disney’s traditional image or not.  He is the one that has protected senior executives from a well-deserved firing.  He is, in...


More Bad News for Marvel

CCTV6 China Movie Channel aired release dates for eight of the next ten Marvel Studios’ films, but did NOT include Shang-Chi and Eternals, which are expected to hit theaters following Black Widow on September 3rd and November 5th.  Not giving the release date is a reliable indicator that a movie has been banned in China.


Score One For Ricky Gervais

The Golden Globes are CANCELLED! Which is to say that while the award ceremony will take place as it has for eighty years, it will not be broadcast by anyone. NBC is stuck with the contract but they have clearly run the numbers and came to the clear and obvious conclusion that the air-time would be too much of a money loser. I don't like Ricky Gervais, I really don't think he's anywhere near as talented as people say he is....


Disney’s Newest Cult

The Walt Disney company has always been a very cult friendly outfit.  And by that I do mean always, it started with Walt Disney himself. He wanted Walt Disney entertainment to be more than just a studio. It was his conceit that Disney Films was more like a family than a business. That can work if your company is (a) lead by an Alpha Male and (b) the company gets no larger than 200 people.  That number seems to be a rough upward...


Disney Commits to the Critical Race Cult, Imposes “Training” Upon Its Employees

I knew Disney was going downhill fast but they have hit the Nitro button and thrown a lead brick on the accelerator. A blockbuster leak of internal Disney training documents has hit the web. And at first, I honestly, thought they had to be fake. There was no way in hell Disney could sink this far, this fast. But the Disney watermarks have been clearly identified on these docs by independent corroboration. They are absolutely authentic Internal...