The Dark Herald Recommends: Zach Snyder’s Justice League

Let’s be clear this is a self-indulgent mess.  A gorgeous self-indulgent mess to be sure but still a self-indulgent mess.I’ll start with the biggest question out there, is it better than the Joss Whedon version?Answer: Yes. Easily.  It’s a much better version than Whedon’s.  Even with its flaws this movie completely outclasses the Gamma Goblin’s take on itThis film is over four hours long and you really, really feel it.   Also, this movie is a massive middle finger to Joss Whedon.  Absolutely nothing that Whedon shot made...


What’s Bad Reboot Wrecking Now?

The answer, of course is, everything it touches.  Although you might want some specifics.Or you might not as they are likely to prove heartbreaking but forewarned is forearmed. You already knew that Superman is in the process of being destroyed by J.J Abrams.  I am reasonably certain that a big part of reason that Abrams is going with black Supes is his standard practice of making sure that all characters are “noticeably 25% different.”  This lets J.J. have a big slice of all the...


Justice League: What’s at Stake

For us? Nothing.  In the best of Generation-X tradition, we get to sit back and watch the world burn.  But there are some things at stake here.The Snyder Cut comes out tomorrow and it’s no secret that the current Warner Brothers leadership wants it to fail.  They are pissed at their bosses at AT&T. Efforts to sabotage the Snyder Cut are more obvious than Kathleen Kennedy’s attempts to kneecap The Mandalorian. The Snyder Cut is already out on high seas, and that data is...


Forbes Puts Bob Chapek on Blast

This isn't Variety. This isn't The Hollywood Reporter. This is freaking Forbes."Disney’s Firing Of Gina Carano Is Confusing And Hypocritical – Lacking Sound Management"THAT'S THE HEADLINE!Producers read The Hollywood Reporter. Board members read Forbes. It doesn't matter when fans are angry. They mean nothing. It does matter when the money is mad and this article indicates that the major stockholders are furious.I haven't seen these kinds of headlines about Disney from major business publications since right before Michael Eisner...


Conan The Barbarian: Issue 19

What the hell?  A good Marvel comic?  How did this happen?I suppose with a company as big as Disney something good can still get produced. By accident if nothing else.  And this is indeed something good, (the Dark Herald shakes his head in disbelief). It feels like the old Savage Sword of Conan magazine’s from the 1970s.The fifties (reprint of Conan stories) created a new market for Conan in the Sixties.  Fans of the savage Cimmerian began pelting Marvel with requests to run a...


Was It Agatha All Along?

I’m not so sure.The family spent the weekend at my wife’s parents.  I do them love dearly and I’m happy to spend time with them while we still have them with us.  But they have reached the age where they are fairly cognitively rigid.  And they watch Fox news CONSTANTLY.  They know that Fox is the enemy at this point, but they just can’t change their ways.  However, this problem can be circumvented by the strategic use of children’s television.  And they still have a subscription to...


Blogs and Ends: The Disney Downward Spiral Edition

The hits keep coming for Mickey the Great and Terrible.  Their resources are huge and their stock prices are ludicrously over-inflated but they are too far down the Woke rabbit hole to be anything other than the biggest failure in the history of American entertainment.  The only thing that has happened to Disney in the past year that wasn’t their fault is Rona-chan. Everything else that is collapsing on the House of Mouse they brought down on their own heads.Let’s startFIRSTThis has...


A Tale of Two Space Comedies

Generated by IJG JPEG LibraryIf you enjoy science fiction you frequently have to endure Lefty sermons on various subjects.Beloved Readers: And rain is still wet, Oh Herald of the Dark. What’s your point?It’s a premise, not a point. If you look for it, you can find plenty of right-wing science fiction in print but in the English-speaking world, media science fiction is dominated by Hollywood and the BBC. Neither institution is capable of producing anything with a Right-wing viewpoint. Occasionally...


Raya and the Last Dragon Bombs

More bad news for Mickey the Great and Terrible.(Let me start by saying this is an essay is not a review.  I have not seen Raya and the Last Dragon, and I strongly suspect I won’t be getting around to it even after it’s free.)This was supposed to be Disney’s genuine comeback film. Sure, there have been a few releases since the plague hit town, but they weren’t the “real thing.”  They weren’t a genuine effort to blow the doors off at...


Star Trek Update: 3/9/2021

I’m afraid it’s mostly bad news for Star Trek fans. A few months ago, I had said that I was certain that Star Trek: Discovery was hard wrapped.  Secret Hideout couldn’t get any more funding.  I’m afraid that has changed.  Here is the background from my old blog:(A while back) there was an article in Deadline that said the newly hired president of the Paramount, Emma Watts claimed that her top priority was rebooting Star Trek. Alex Kurtzman's name wasn’t mentioned once in the entire...