
Arktoons Roundup August 28th 2022

Welcome to the Arkhaven Roundup, a regular feature at the Arkhaven Blog on Mondays.  Where I will be taking a look at stuff that is new and interesting in the world of Arkhaven’s webtoons. If you aren’t familiar with Arktoons, this is meant more for you.  I am the Dark Herald, I do the blogging here at Arkhaven.  This blog is mostly pop culture news, reviews, and opinion, in short, the usual. But you aren’t here for the blog.  You’re here for the webtoons.  Arkhaven is different...


How Much Trouble Is Warner Brothers In?

It’s a bunch of little things that are adding up to bad news for Warner. The first thing was the cancelation of Batgirl, even the filmmakers admitted it needed some work, but they were pretty sure they could fix it.  But then Batgirl was canceled along with $850 million worth of other things that got shitcanned. Now I understood part of that. When Warner and Discovery merged a new entity was created and the “new” company Warner Brothers Discovery had a limited...


New Batman Animated Series Canceled

This was supposed to be the Batman animated show that we really wanted.  It was going to be roughly set in a 1940s-like world.  Sure, it had the prince of Darkness Jar Jar Abrams and his devoted acolyte Matt Reeves (The Batman AKA Sparkly Batman) as the executive producers.  BUT it had Bruce Timm... BRUCE TIMM!!! On board as showrunner.  Bruce Timm of the beloved Batman the Animated Series was making another Batman cartoon and this one is on HBOmax.  This is the guy who...


And Now For Something Completely Expected

Lesbian-wheelchair-Spider…man(?). Or is it Spider-Wheelchair-Gay-Woman? Or SpiderTransMasculineFemale? Oh, who the fuck can knows? They sure don't! I honestly, thought somebody was goofing on the fabulous Gay Spiderman but no, zhe’s real alright. Zhe swings into action with her wheelchair webbed to zhr back, (I’m using English language pronouns from here on *out).  And her web shoots from her walker crutches instead of her wrists because webs can be empowered too. The creator of this Woke Frankenstein’s Monster of a Spider-Man is, naturally, a Woke Doctor...


First Impressions: For All Mankind

The first episode was good.  I have to give it that. I had subbed to Apple TV+ to watch *Luck, since I was pulling the plug again at the end of the month, I decided to look around.  There was a Tomm **Moore Irish folklore animated movie; the Youngest Dark Spawn adores those things.  There was also a Dinosaur pseudo-nature documentary hosted by Richard Attenborough. Which was every bit as exciting as a real nature documentary by Richard Attenborough.  After I woke up from that...


Arktoons Roundup August 22nd 2022

Welcome to the Arktoons Roundup, a new (sort of) regular feature at the Arkhaven Blog on Mondays.  Where I will be taking a look at stuff that is new and interesting in the world of Arkhaven’s webtoons. If you aren’t familiar with Arktoons, this is meant more for you.  I am the Dark Herald, I do the blogging here at Arkhaven.  This blog is mostly pop culture news, reviews, and opinion, in short, the usual. But you aren’t here for the blog.  You’re here for the...


The Dark Herald Recommends Battle Angel Alita

REPOST 8/21/22: It had looked like there would be no sequel to this film but I'm getting some strong smoke signals that it will get green lit IF Avatar: The Way of Water blows the doors off at the boxoffice. Bob Chapek is secure on this throne now but he needs new franchises. Star Wars is dead. Pixar is dead. And Marvel while still profitable is trending downward. The golden goose is running out eggs, when...


First Impressions: Shulkie McBeal

The Incredible Hulk is one of Marvel’s longest-standing A-list heroes.  Consequently, when licenses were getting farmed out to various studios by Marvel in the 1990s, Hulk was in demand and was snapped up by Universal.  The licenses stated that ancillary characters went along for the ride.  So, when Sony got Spiderman, they also got Venom, Morbius, Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy and you have figured out the rest.  The Hulk got the same treatment, so She-Hulk went to Universal along with her top-shelf cousin.  Marvel had...


Avoid Like the Plague: 1UP

Vaevictis eSports is a legend in the world of competitive professional esports.  They are unquestionably the worst team of all time.  They hold the record in everything from lowest score in a professional game, to quickest defeat, and thanks to Riot Games giving them way too many chances, the longest losing streak in pro gaming history.  No one will ever beat their records because no one is allowed to. Any other team would have been banned for trolling before they were allowed to...


Ezra Miller is S-S-O-R-R-R-R-Y

If he gets really desperate he'll "find Jesus." For all that it matters here is Miller’s statement: “Having recently gone through a time of intense crisis, I now understand that I am suffering complex mental health issues and have begun ongoing treatment,” Miller says. “I want to apologize to everyone that I have alarmed and upset with my past behavior. I am committed to doing the necessary work to get back to a healthy, safe and productive stage in my life.” The Dark...