Open Thread-Last One of 2021

Talk about whatever you want but it must be pop-culture related.
All others will be deleted.
Talk about whatever you want but it must be pop-culture related.
All others will be deleted.
“For every one pupil who needs to be guarded against a weak excess of sensibility there are three who need... read more
Arktoons had a spectacular launch yesterday.Better than could be hoped for. I, like a lot of you, was already... read more
Horrible, if true and it appears to be true.I had heard the rumors for a while, but I wanted something... read more Discuss on Social Galactic read more
Bob Chapek is making just about every mistake he can possibly make in dealing with this internal uprising at Disney.He... read more
(2/19/24) Some of my newer readers maybe wondering why I haven't posted anything on Elon Musk's Tweet. The one where he... read more
BUMPED 12-24-2024 A redemption story for Christmas? The nerve of some people!This is exactly the kind of excellence that Disney... read more
Blogs are s-o-o-o-o-o 2014. I'm heading to Arkhaven's Substack. I'm already a few years behind the power curve.... read more
“Stand-by for Action!” A middle-aged voice barks out of the Magnavox TV’s monaural speaker in my family’s living room at 6:30... read more