Sweet Baby Poisoning Detected
John Trent, the founder of Bounding into Comics and the only real journalist in pop culture reporting has YouTube channel.
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John Trent, the founder of Bounding into Comics and the only real journalist in pop culture reporting has YouTube channel.
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This would have been a stoning offense in Frosk's day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6x0jrp34jaU read more
The Incredible Hulk is one of Marvel’s longest-standing A-list heroes. Consequently, when licenses were getting farmed out to various studios by... read more
I’m definitely torn on this one. Scavenger’s Reign is an animated series that was absolutely nowhere on my radar. Not even... read more
Through ways known only to a chosen few of the Unfallen, I have acquired a copy of BATWOMAN SEASON 4... read more
Well, I haven’t done one these for a while but today seems dismal enough for some Dismalney news.DISNEY PARKSThere was... read more
They should have hired cosplayers for this thing.Today’s post was done at the urgent and enraged request of the Eldest... read more
Remember, the firemen are rarely necessary. The public itself stopped reading of its own accord. - Fahrenheit 451Arkhaven has moved from simply a successful business... read more
I tried to find trailers for three movies I want to see this year. I could only find two.FIRSTGhostbusters: AfterlifePlease don’t... read more
I step out of the ruins of a record shop and onto the streets of Selaco. My health is 100%... read more
2024 is going to be called the Year of the Unadaptable Movie. Although this one is a TV show. The... read more