Is Daily Wire Collapsing? Is Brett Cooper Being Fired?

Those are good clickbait questions. But I am starting to wonder.
Brett Cooper the star of Daily Wire’s Comments Section with Brett Cooper as well as Daily Wire’s upcoming Pendragon Cycle and Snow White is rumored to have landed in hot water with her boss Jeremy Boering and will not have her contract renewed.
Yesterday I picked up on this one over on And I immediately dismissed it. Especially after Nick Fuentes claimed she was being fired for replying to one of his tweets. I reflexively discard anything Destiny’s boytoy says on the grounds that I am not a retard.
However, it turned out that Fuentes wasn’t the actual source. It started on some no-name TikTok account and was picked up by a slightly more relevant TikTok account. One that had a better track record for being a scooper.
That was enough for me to put this on a back burner and wait for Brett Cooper or Jeremy Boering to laugh it off in a tweet. However, it’s been 24 hours. It’s starting to trend and the silence from the Daily Wire is becoming deafening.
If you’re not familiar with her, Brett Cooper started off as a child actress in Los Angeles, had some “above the line” success in Hollywood but then was canceled for airing her political views in public. The Daily Wire picked her up to be their Gen-Z opinion YouTuber and she’s been reasonably successful at that with 4.5 million subs and with videos that occasionally reach a few million views. She is literally the only Daily Wire employee whose audience is still growing.
I had heard a rumor, that the financing for Daily Wire’s Snow White film had fallen apart. Or more likely had never materialized in the first place, the teaser trailer for it was just a few scenes against a green screen, clearly, it was just part of a sizzle reel to try and interest backers. No one at Daily Wire has mentioned it for a while.
Also, her producer Reagan Rohrbach started “filling in for Brett” recently doing her very best Brett Cooper impersonation. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but now that I consider the matter, even when she was shooting the Pendragon Cycle in Hungary, the Comments Section never had a guest hostess.
So why would the Daily Wire’s most popular Gen Z actress be shown the door?
Here I can only speculate.
When Candace Owens was fired Cooper was known to have stayed in her corner, which wouldn’t have gone down well with Benny and Matt.
Now that I think of it, she hasn’t been notably pro-Palestinian but she hasn’t been pro-Israeli during the recent troubles.
Or it could just be the Daily Wire is failing financially. Streaming hasn’t worked out for them either with a current 47% off Cyber Week sale. I was never that sure where they were getting their money from in the first place and with Trump on his way back to the White House it may be that some of those sources of funding ran dry.
She is still using X but still hasn’t responded to posts and DMs asking her about it.
I should stress that none of this is proof and I will happily retract if she puts out a statement that contradicts any or all of this.
However, the closest thing to a statement that she’s made at all was this post on X.

Your guess is literally as good as mine Darklings.