Just How Bad Nickelodeon Was
We knew it was bad.
“This will enable us to tell great stories inspired by the perfect mix up creative excellence enhanced by data driven... read more
I have finally discovered the truth of the Harfoots in the Rings of Powers.They are absolutely not the ancestors of... read more
This was supposed to be the Batman animated show that we really wanted. It was going to be roughly set in... read more
Mickey the Great and Terrible has raised the white flag in the Great Cable War of 2023. Charter is victorious. Ten... read more
The answer to that is the money men.TSG is a company that finances movies. And your immediate reaction is, they... read more
Enjoy my smug-face MickeyRich Moore, the director of Wreck-it Ralph and Zootopia has left Disney for... You guessed it, Skydance... read more
My suffering (courtesy of the Rings of Power) has inspired one of the Darklings to create true greatness.THIS. IS.... read more
Well, it isn’t the worst Predator movie.I have to give it that.I had to wait a little bit before doing... read more
Miss us yet, Indy?The Cannes film festival is considered a very big deal. By people who don't know anything... read more
“For every one pupil who needs to be guarded against a weak excess of sensibility there are three who need... read more