Yearly Archives - 2023

Harry Potter Series Confirmed

To the surprise of Twitteristas if no one else. Warner Brothers Discovery confirmed today that a new Harry Potter show is going into production.Here's a teaser. Like any teaser there is no point at all in looking at it. Regardless, there are currently no plans to bring back the original cast in any capacity. This appears to be a remake/reboot starting from Harry's first year at Hogwarts and it is slated to go on for ten seasons. ...


Blogs and Ends: Root Canal Tuesday

You get what you get and you don't get upset today. Because it won't be a lot.I just had a root canal.FIRSTHere's The Marvels' trailer Holy crap that was cheap. Firing Victoria Alonso is completely justifiable on the basis of that trailer alone. She was in charge of production, this was her department. This looks about as bad as Antman 3. The costuming looks cheap, the sets look cheap, the effects look cheap and this thing cost...


The Dark Herald Recommends: The Super Mario Brothers Movie

Today gaming journalists display their abject ignorance and complete irrelevance by declaring this game should be embraced by gamers because its politics are mega-good think or that game should be rejected and reviled because the Hivemind has declared it so.  The advice gets ignored either way by gamers.Seven years ago, gaming journos displayed their utter cluelessness and general disinterest in their own chosen field of ‘expertise’ by declaiming in lockstep unison that Nintendo was dead and it was only a matter...


There Wasn’t A Mask to Drop But Still…

Disney just dropped the mask. Well, there wasn't a mask to drop but even by Mickey the Great and Terrible's basement dwelling standards, this is bad.Pauline follows the eponymous protagonist, an 18-year-old who accidentally becomes pregnant – from a one-night stand. With school stress, the climate crisis and the downfall of society weighing heavily on her mind, something she doesn’t need at all right now is catching feelings, especially not for her one-night stand Lukas. Pauline is penned by Sebastian Colley...


Yeah It’s Gonna Suck: Star Wars X

I warned you!  I told you it was in the works.  And now it’s official, Ma-Rey Sue Palpatine-Skywalker will be returning in Star Wars X (Currently Untitled).Daisy Ridley will naturally star.  Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy is still signed to direct, her best known work is Ms. Marvel.  Damon Lindeloff (for once) showed the brains that God gave a pickle and bailed.Announced at Star Wars Celebration of course. There is also a teaser for Ashoka:  Enjoy, or don’t. I couldn’t care less. The Force is now completely female.  With the exception...


The Dark Herald Recommends Shin Godzilla

When I was pre-adolescent my sources of income were cruising parking lots for dropped change, returning pop bottles, and occasionally cutting the teeth out of sharks that had drowned in the nets for the creepy guy who made necklaces out of them for tourists. That was more than enough for an eight-pack of Coke and a big bag of Fritos. Come three o'clock on Saturday afternoon and the Godzilla movie would start on UHF, let me tell you, I was SET!!!In...


She’s Everything… He’s just Ken

That was a quote from this season's writers.The Mandalorian just got the Jake Skywalker treatment in his own show. This show is so unwatchable at this point, it really is a struggle to get through. Dave Filoni is the most over-estimated writer in the history of television. He did fine writing kids shows but he simply can't step up and write genuinely mature themes for grownups. Also, he seems to have a waifu thing going with...


Big Bob’s Big Mistake

UPDATE: A criminal investigation has been opened on Disney and the former members of the Reedy Creek Improvement District.Hoo boy!  This was bad.I briefly touched on this last night in an update on my last post. This will be more involved.First, I need to give you some background info, and it’s extensive.  Skip the italicized part if you're already familiar with it:******In 1957 Walt Disney was brokering the rescue of two Los Angles institutions that were in deep trouble, the Chouinard Art...


Iger’s Annual Investor Meeting is a Dumpster Fire

Wow, this is going to take me some digging to get through.Usually, Disney's annual investor call is a completely stage-managed nothing burger. Basically, it's just a public relations dog and pony show for the Mom and Pop shareholders. This year Disney showed some little film that was made at Disney World. There was a startling number of white people in it, veterans got a nice shout-out, it was that kind of thing and it's always that kind of...