It’s Gonna Suck: The Haunted Mansion (2023)

I've got to say, somebody at Disney's marketing department knows what they are doing. It's a Zillow listing for the Disneyland Haunted Mansion. Yep, Disney is trying to make another Haunted Mansion again and it is a fundamentally terrible idea. Pirates of the Caribbean was easier to work with because the ride was a macabre adventure with a few gags thrown in to break what little tension there was. It has no real characters, no fixed setting, and no real...


RE:View – Blood Sport

Recently a friendly acquaintance of mine posed a question on Twitter.   Has there ever been a movie that was better than the book it was based on? I offered the original Mark of Zorro (1920).  While that was an accurate answer because the Curse of Capistrano was nothing but a standard pulp and the Mark of Zorro invented the superhero, it was too truncated to be any kind of in-depth answer. Some books that have been made into movies are so different they...


Bob Iger’s Contracted Extended

And now for something completely expected. Robert Iger's contract as the CEO of the Walt Disney Company has been extended through 2026. For those of you asking, "What the fuck?" I understand well your consternation but I saw this one coming a mile off. Yes, I understand. Bob Iger is the one that has put Disney in the disastrous position it's in today. He overpaid drastically for Fox Entertainment by a factor of 100%, he let Kevin Fiege dismantle the...


Nathan Fillion Announced as Green Lantern

Yeah, Gunn is doing something weird. Fillion recently appeared in a walk-on cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol III. The Canadian actor is well known to genre fans starting with Firefly as Captain Mal Reynolds. He is best known to the normies as the mystery writer Castle. He has had one other role as a superhero, the cowardly, bullying, Alpha male Captain Hammer. I had noticed that Fillion had lost some of the pounds he'd gradually put on...


Harddrive-By: Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: The VenGance of the Slayer

No, I did spell the title correctly.   This game should be in a museum.  It is a nearly perfect time capsule of turn-of-the-century teenage angst for a very specific kind of teenager. Slayers X is an attempt and apparently successful one for a 35-year-old Millennial to finish writing a game mod he started back when he was fifteen. Something Generation X doesn’t really get at a bone-deep level is that at one time we were the cool big brother.  The Gen Xer was the guy with a...


The Dark Herald Recommends: Sound of Freedom

Sound of Freedom is a great film that tackles an absolutely brutal subject. And let’s be clear I don’t mean it’s a great film by the standards of “Christian films,” It’s a great film period.  Certainly, the best I’ve seen this year.  Sound of Freedom starts with a Hispanic father taking his kids a boy and a girl to an audition.  It looks legitimate enough.  He’s instructed to leave and come back in a few hours, when he comes back, the apartment is empty...


Arkhaven Spotlight: Give My Regards to Black Jack

One of the biggest reasons that Manga has completely buried the American comic book industry is that American comics are extremely limited in its audience. The comic book guys are pretty much it. If you like superheroes or to be more accurate diverse and inclusive superheroes then the big two has got your back fam. However, in Japan if you like superheroes there's a manga for you. If you're a toddler there's a manga for you....


The Unfathomable Eighties Movies (part 1)

This piece has been on a backburner for a while.  However, the OceanGate Incident has forced me to turn up the gas on it. At the tail end of the 1980s, right before the world would “wake up from history” and then roll over and go right back to sleep again, there was a flood (sorry) of deep-water horror movies.  At the time we didn’t know why we were being drenched (I’ll try to control myself) with these things.  Although now we know that...


Blobs and Ends

You would never see a sign like this today80s Lifeguard 1: Only for the weak!80s Lifeguard 2: Yah, only the weak like you, ha! ha!80s Lifeguard 1: Weak little girly man!80s Lifeguard 2: Girly man! Ha! Ha! Ha! I woke up today, convinced it was Thursday. Not a great start. I haven't done one these miscellaneous dumps for a while, so here it is. FIRST The Russian vampire movie Empire V. I'd heard a little about it but not much. ...