Monthly Archives - November 2023

Is There Hope for Netflix Narnia? 

I have some fairly serious doubts about it but is there perhaps a ray or two of sunshine to be found behind what are the admittedly fairly ominous clouds surrounding the Netflix series of films?  The showrunner is Mathew Aldritch. A quick scan of his IMDB page reveals that he was the writer of Coco.   Yay!   Sadly, he was also one of the writers on Lightyear.   aww.   So that is kind of a fifty-fifty chance. He appears to have left Pixar...


Bob’s Bomb Factory 

  Wish has flopped. It’s official. As of this writing, it has hauled in less than $49 million. It is Disney’s seventh bomb this year and it’s ninth bomb in a row (excluding Guardians 3). Wish is Bob Iger’s disaster. He owns it, every decision he’s made for the last six years contributed to its abject failure.   The ever-easily-trained Hollywood trade press has pulled out its official Disney Flop Playbook, flipped to some fairly dog-eared pages, and began reciting the list...


Doctor Whom? 

  Russell T. Davies is the best friend Chris Chibnall ever had.   No one else could have saved Chibnall’s reputation but Davies has done it.  He actually made Doctor Who worse.  Davies has a long track record for consistently delivering good, solid writing but the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special was so bad it’s up there with BBC’s The Watch.   The fandom is standing in stunned disbelief at the magnitude of the disaster.  How could this happen?  Oh... A joint production of the BBC and Disney....


Book Discussion: The Olympian Affair by Jim Butcher 

******  SPOILER ALERT, this is the only one you are getting, as I have always maintained, a story succeeds or fails in the style of it’s telling.  Therefore spoiler warnings are pointless because a story that is only worth reading once isn’t worth reading at all.  That said, not everyone agrees with me and I do understand the sentiment. Therefore be advised, I will be going into details of the plot about this fairly recent release.  If it’s on your to read...


Russel T. Davies Has Lost His Fast Ball

The savior of Doctor Who has come up with a retcon that rivals the Timeless Child. Aside from keeping that hideous abortion of a storyline canon, Davies is about to destroy one of Doctor Who's best villains. Davros. The Daleks first appeared in December 1963 in the show's second serial and promptly rescued Doctor Who from ratings oblivion. The cancelation ax had been getting sharpened but was quickly tucked away again when the viewership blew the roof off. ...


Based Books Sale

Castalia House is pleased to be a part of the Based Books Sale. The following Castalia House ebooks are on sale at the Arkhaven store from November 22 through November 30: 0.99 The Nine Laws by Ivan Throne 0.99 Wardogs Inc. #1: Battlesuit Bastards by G.D. Stark 0.99 Wardogs Inc. #2: Hunter Killer by G.D. Stark 0.99 Wardogs Inc. #3: Metal Monsters by G.D. Stark 0.99 Mutiny in Space by Rod Walker 0.99 Corrosion by Johan Kalsi 0.99 There...


Text Book Storytelling: Romancing the Stone

The Mother of the Darkspawn and I were cruising through the various offerings of passive entertainment that were available on various streaming services. They all sucked but then she flipped over to my Amazon video library and gave a delighted chirp. Much to my unpleasant surprise, I own a license for Romancing the Stone. No idea how I got it. I would have remembered paying for it. I sure as hell wouldn't have paid for...


Dave Filoni Named Chief Creative Officer at LucasFilm

Oh good. Star Wars is saved. This just means that he now has the title as well as the job. Although, it does spike the rumor that Jon Favereau was offered the position. Truth be said it was kind of hard to believe after last season's Mandalorian, where he had clearly dropped the reins and walked away. Now it is the kind of thing that Bob Iger would do but Favereau would be nuts to stay in...


Marvel vs DC: Nov. 21

I didn't want to put up a "body-positive" image.but you know that's what they'll go with. Marvel is doing the meme! They are leaning into it just to show their contempt for the fans who refuse to see Marvel films. Making a film with the three least popular superheroines of all time a $300 million extravaganza and having it be the biggest fail in movie history taught them nothing. Silver Surfer is going to be gender-swapped in the upcoming Fantastic...