Guess Who Is Not Welcome at Disneyland Anymore?

Well, we all knew this was coming.
Disneyland celebrated the 67th anniversary of its opening on Sunday.
Every year this speech is played.
This is blocked?!?!?!!? Are you shitting me?
Well, this isn’t the only place it’s blocked because Walt Disney’s innocuous cheerful 37-second speech no longer has any place in Disneyland’s official celebration of its own anniversary.
The guy whose name is on the damn park is now an unwelcome figure. Walt Disney’s opening day speech was very conspicuously absent.
The Woke left hates Walt Disney and has since 1947 when he fired all of the Communists at his animation studio.
Disneyland is very much a part of California Disney. The cast members that work there are people like Jenny Nicholson. So far as Disney World is concerned, Disneyland is an archaic afterthought that is draining resources aways from true mountain of money that is Orlando.
Yet another black eye for the Disney company.